Wieviel Jahre hat Sanusi in seiner Amtszeit wieder gelassen. Dieser Mann macht die CBN in eine Geschäftsbank - er scheint nicht, diesen Job gut genug zu verstehen. Mit Bassey Udo 6. Juli 2011 12 39 AM. Concerned über die negativen Auswirkungen der Abwesenheit einer aktiven Rohstoffbörse hat auf landwirtschaftlichen Rohstoffen Handel im Land, die Zentralbank von Nigeria CBN gestern bat die Bundesregierung zu erlauben, dass es übernehmen die Abuja Securities und Commodities Exchange ASCE zu helfen, liefern auf seinem Mandat. CBN Gouverneur, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, der bei der Eröffnung einer zweitägigen Stakeholder-Konferenz zum Nigeria-Incentive-basierten Risk Sharing System für landwirtschaftliche Kredite NIRSAL in Abuja sprach, sagte, wenn sie durch eine angemessene Finanzierung und Klärung ihrer Corporate Governance-Politik, der Börse, richtig positioniert sei Könnte die Plattform für den Handel mit Agrarrohstoffen zur Verfügung stellen. Nach Angaben von Herrn Sanusi, nach der Auflösung der Länder-Marketing-Boards in 19 86, Warenhändler hatten den Mangel in der Koordination der kleinen Inhaber Landwirte produzieren produziert, so dass eine Trennung zwischen Primärproduzenten, Verarbeiter und Vermarkter in Silos. Er sagte, dass die Pause in der Rohstoff-Wertschöpfungskette unter diesen Stakeholdern überbrückt werden muss Die Gründung von lebendigen und viralen Produzenten, Verarbeiter und Vermarkter Rohstoffverbände entlang jeder Wertschöpfungskette, um ihre Einkommen zu steigern. Obwohl Herr Sanusi die Landwirtschaft als den stärksten Sektor identifiziert hat, mit der Fähigkeit, Nigerias Bestrebungen zu verwirklichen, als einer der Welt zu entstehen Wirtschaftliche Riesen, stellte er fest, dass die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft aus dem derzeitigen Niveau des Lebensunterhaltes eine Herausforderung geblieben ist, die einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zur Wiedergutmachung erfordert. Die Landwirtschaft, die er darauf hingewiesen hat, hat im Laufe der Jahre unter einer Brutto-Unterfinanzierung gelitten, mit weniger als vier Prozent Bundesbudget für den Sektor seit 2006, im Gegensatz zu der 2003 afrikanischen Union AU Maputo Deklaration, die erfordert Um die Investitionen in die Landwirtschaft auf mindestens 10 Prozent des Staatshaushaltes bis 2008 zu erhöhen. Ähnlich sagte der Gouverneur, dass die Investitionen des privaten Sektors in die Entwicklung der landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungskette auf dem niedrigsten Niveau aufgrund der wahrgenommenen Risiken, Verzerrungen und Unsicherheiten blieben Fügte hinzu, dass, obwohl die Landwirtschaft etwa 40 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts BIP ausmacht, die Kreditvergabe an den Sektor kaum über 1 4 Prozent der gesamten Kreditinstitute der Kreditinstitute steigt. Weitere Herausforderungen sind eine ernsthafte Fragmentierung im Eingangssegment des Sektors Schlechte Koordination auf nationaler und nationaler Ebene und weist darauf hin, dass die Landwirte in Afrika südlich der Sahara zwischen 10 und 15 Kilogramm Dünger pro Hektar Ackerland im Vergleich zu nur 15 Prozent der 144 kg pro Hektar, die von ihren Pendants verwendet werden, verwenden Asien. Absenz der Erweiterung Arbeiter. Besides, er auch festgestellt, Abwesenheit von Erweiterung Dienstleistungen, ineffektive Forschung und Entwicklung, Sinkende Produktivität sowie schwache Rückwärts - und Vorwärtsverbindungen zwischen der Landwirtschaft und anderen Sektoren als Gründe für die Nigeria-armen Ernteerträge, die unter den niedrigsten in der Welt eingestuft wurden, wobei der durchschnittliche Maisertrag bei etwa 1 4 Tonnen pro Hektar gegenüber 10 Tonnen pro Hektar liegt In Asien, Amerika und Europa. Bemoaning die Auswirkungen dieser Herausforderungen auf das Wachstum der Landwirtschaft in dem Land, sagte Herr Sanusi aus ihrer Pole Position in den 1960er Jahren in der Ausfuhr von Schlüsselkulturen, nämlich Kakao, Erdnuss, Baumwolle, Gummi und Palme Produzieren, Nigeria s Aufzeichnungen in der Dekade haben für über 60 Prozent in der globalen Palmöl Exporte, 30 Prozent in Erdnuss und 15 Prozent in Kakao abgelehnt. Heute ist das Gegenteil der Fall, da Nigeria s landwirtschaftliche Einfuhr Rechnung auf N630billion jährlich steht, mit großen Nahrungsmittelprodukten Importe einschließlich Weizen N165billion, Fisch N105billion, Reis 75billion und Zucker N60billion, sagte er. Während der Aufruf für eine Umkehrung des Trends, Herr Sanusi stellte fest, dass die Agrarfinanzierung in den letzten fünf Jahrzehnten aufgrund des Mangels an landwirtschaftlicher Expansion nicht die erwünschte Folge hat. Die Höhe der versicherten Märkte und die Weiterverknüpfungen von der Primärproduktion bis zur Verarbeitung. Mit einer Projektion, dass der Agrarsektor des Landes um 160 wachsen kann Prozent von seinem aktuellen Ausgabewert von N15 25trillion auf 39 4trillion bis 2030 Er äußerte den Optimismus, dass die NIRSAL-Initiative, die entworfen ist, um die Finanzierungs-Wertschöpfungskette zu entschärfen, würde dazu beitragen, die Lücken in der Landwirtschaft und Finanzsektoren, indem sie helfen, lange zu bauen - Kapazitäten sowie Institutionalisierung der Kreditvergabe Anreize. Unter der Initiative wurden N46 5 Millionen unter der Risiko-Sharing-Anlage RSF zu suppo beiseite gesetzt Rt Einsatz von verschiedenen Instrumenten zur Reduzierung des Risikos in der landwirtschaftlichen Kreditvergabe N4 65 Milliarden für Versicherung N9 3 Milliarden für technische Unterstützung N1 55 Milliarden für landwirtschaftliche Bank Rating-System und N15 5 Milliarden zu bauen lange Bedingungen Kapazitäten für die Kreditvergabe an die Landwirtschaft. Sanusi, sehr bald werden Sie sich bewerben Werden Sie der Präsident von Nigeria Was haben Sie erreicht, der CBN-Gouverneur so weit. Eastrop Trading Options. 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Seit Jahren haben die Zentralbanken versucht, Tage wie heute zu vermeiden Durch die transparente und machen bewegt sich wie diese über die Zeit, während Tropf füttern ihre Absichten auf die Märkte Die SNB haben sich gezeigt, um Amateure heute und es gibt viele Menschen, die erheblich als Ergebnis. Und hier ist Neuseeland Brokerage Excel Markets bestätigt es Auch nicht weiter operieren Die Mehrheit der Kunden in einer Franken-Position waren auf der Verliererseite und anhaltende Verluste, die weit größer als ihr Konto Eigenkapital Wenn ein Kunde kann nicht decken ihre Verluste ist es an uns weitergegeben. 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Die durchschnittliche True Range oder ATR, Indikator wurde von J entwickelt Welles Wilder, um die Volatilität der Preisänderungen zu messen, anfänglich für den Rohstoffmarkt, wo die Volatilität häufiger ist, aber es ist jetzt w Die von Forex-Händlern auch benutzt werden. Trader verwenden selten den Indikator, um zukünftige Preisbewegungsrichtungen zu erkennen, aber verwenden Sie es, um eine Wahrnehmung zu gewinnen, was die jüngste historische Volatilität ist, um einen Ausführungsplan für den Handel vorzubereiten. Einstellungsstopps und Einstiegspunkte auf positiven Ebenen zu Zu verhindern, dass sie gestoppt oder gepeitscht werden, werden als Vorteile dieses Indikators angesehen. Der ATR wird als Oszillator klassifiziert, da die resultierende Kurve zwischen Werten schwankt, die auf der Grundlage der Preisvolatilität über einen ausgewählten Zeitraum berechnet werden. Es ist kein führender Indikator dafür, dass er sich verbreitet Nichts im Zusammenhang mit Preis-Richtung Hohe Werte deuten darauf hin, dass Stopps breiter sein, sowie Einstiegspunkte zu verhindern, dass der Markt schnell gegen Sie bewegen Mit einem Prozentsatz der ATR-Lesung kann der Händler effektiv handeln mit Aufträgen mit proportionalen Dimensionierung Ebenen für die Währung angepasst Bei der Hand. Der ATR-Indikator ist üblich auf Metatrader4 Trading-Software, und die Berechnung Formel-Sequenz beinhaltet t Es handelt sich um einfache Stufen. Für jede gewählte Periode berechnen wir drei Absolutwerte a der High Minus der Low, B der High Minus der Vorperiode s Close und c die Vorperiode s Schließen minus the Low. Der True Range oder TR ist der Der größte der drei vorherigen Berechnungen. Der ATR ist der gleitende Durchschnitt über die gewählte Periodenlänge Typische Längeneinstellung ist 14.Softwareprogramme führen die notwendige Rechenarbeit durch und erzeugen eine ATR-Anzeige, wie im unteren Teil des folgenden Diagramms angezeigt. Die ATR-Anzeige Besteht aus einer einzigen schwankenden Kurve Im obigen Beispiel mit dem GBP USD Währungspaar liegt der ATR Indikatorbereich zwischen 5 und 29 Pips Bei den Spitzen in der Kurve können Sie die Leuchter, die sich in der Größe erweitern, visuell sehen Niedrige Werte bestehen für einen Zeitraum von Zeit, dann ist der Markt konsolidiert und ein Ausbruch kann in Reihenfolge sein. Der nächste Artikel in dieser Serie auf der ATR-Indikator wird diskutieren, wie dieser Oszillator im Vordergrund verwendet wird X Handel und wie man die verschiedenen grafischen Signale, die generiert werden zu lesen. 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In Bezug auf seine Montage ist es bemerkenswert, dass DIBOND-Spiegel weniger empfindlich gegenüber Druck ist als Glas, das oft zerbricht, wenn es fest montiert ist und dass es auch weniger empfindlich ist als sie, Die sich oft an ihren Befestigungspunkten verkrümmt haben, oder zu einer Temperaturänderung, die oft dazu führt, dass Acrylspiegel, die den DIBOND-Spiegel verzerren, sowohl im Standardspiegel als auch in den Varianten Gold und Anthrazit erhältlich sind. Eine gleichartige reflektierende Qualität zu einem herkömmlichen Glasspiegel Break resistent und geringe Gewichtsvorteile Umgang, Transport und Montage Die Oberfläche des Spiegels fällt während des Schneidens nicht ab. Weniger druckempfindlich als Glas oder Acrylproblem - f Ree-Montage ohne Verzug Mehr widerstandsfähig gegen Temperaturänderungen Reduzierung der Verzerrung Hochdruckfähig mit Bildschirm oder Digitaldruck Verschiedene Produktversionen für interne und externe Anwendungen. Die 6 einfachen Geheimnisse des erfolgreichen Devisenhandels. Das System, das hier besprochen wird, ist nicht der heilige Gral des Devisenhandels Keine solche Sache Wie man ein profitabler Forex Trader zu werden hat viel mehr mit Mentalität zu tun als mit einer bestimmten Handelsstrategie In der Tat kann keine Forex Trading-Strategie profitabel sein, wenn ein Trader hat die falsche Denkweise. Das GRABIT System, das ich entwickelt, wird Ihre optimieren Trading Mentalität, so dass es besser auf den Handel gewinnbringend ausgerichtet ist Das System besteht aus 6 einfachen Prinzipien, die ersten Buchstaben bilden das Wort GRABIT. Ist es schwer, diesem System zu folgen Nein Das heißt, ist es schwer, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören Sie, die vorher geraucht haben - oder noch rauchen - wird wohl sagen, dass es in der Tat sehr hart ist. Aber wenn das Ihre Antwort war, fragen Sie sich, was so schwer ist, nicht lightin G eine weitere Zigarette. Ok, schauen Sie sich die 6 Prinzipien der GRABIT System. This ist wirklich die Art von Prinzip, das eine Rolle spielen sollte in jeder größeren Bemühung Sie verpflichten Wenn Sie auf einen neuen Weg, es hilft zu setzen Klare, definierbare Ziele, um Sie zu führen Wenn Sie überhaupt keine Ziele setzen oder vage Ziele, Sie haben nichts zu Benchmark gegen Clear Ziele helfen Sie bleiben den Kurs auf dem Weg zum Erfolg. Dieses zweite Prinzip geht Hand in Hand mit dem ersten Viele Anfangshändler setzen Ziele, nur sie sind nicht sehr realistisch Das Ziel, 10.000 Jahresgewinne mit einem Handelskapital von 500 zu machen, ist sehr enthusiastisch, ehrgeizig und optimistisch - alle sehr sympathischen Qualitäten - aber solche Mission Unmöglicher sind am besten nach Hollywood Und Da es versäumt ist, ein ziel zu erreichen ist sehr demotivierend, es gibt wirklich keinen Grund, Ziele zu setzen, die lächerlich schwer zu erreichen sind. Um sicherzustellen, dass du realistische Handelsziele setzt, solltest du die folgenden Fragen selbst beantworten. Wie viel Geld können Sie investieren Ihr finanzielles Ziel basiert teilweise auf dem Betrag, den Sie für den Handel zur Verfügung haben. Wie viel Zeit können Sie widmen zu studieren Je mehr Zeit können Sie auf die Erweiterung Ihres Wissens zu verbringen, desto mehr Handelsstrategien können Sie erkunden und beherrschen Lernen über verschiedene Handelsstrategien und Techniken wird die Chance erhöhen, eine Strategie zu finden, die wirklich zu Ihnen passt. Wie viel Zeit können Sie dem Handel widmen Die Beantwortung dieser Frage wird Ihnen helfen, eine Reihe von Handelsstrategien zu überqueren. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie einen Vollzeitjob haben, der nur etwa eine Stunde des Handels jeden Tag erlaubt, müssen Sie sich nicht stören Intraday Trading. Every erfolgreich Trader wird Ihnen sagen, dass die anspruchsvollsten Aspekt des Handels ist halten Ihre Emotionen aus Es ist schwer zu bleiben in Trades, die eine Menge von unrealisierten Gewinn haben, so wie es schwer ist, einen Handel, der sich gegen Sie zu schließen Es ist schwer, an ein Handelssystem zu glauben, das seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr ausgeliefert ist, und es ist ganz einfach, alles daran zu zweifeln, was du tust. Du musst alles tun, um die Versuchung, emotionale Entscheidungen zu treffen und die wichtigsten Schritte zu beschränken Können Sie zu diesem Zweck zu finden, um herauszufinden, welche Art von Trader Sie sind Welche Art von Trading-Persönlichkeit haben Sie Haben Sie impulsiv, relativ gut, einen Verlust zu nehmen Sind Sie geduldig, diszipliniert, glauben Sie die natürliche Richtung eines gi Ven stock ist up. In meinem Buch Forex für ambitionierte Anfänger Ich gehe tiefer in den Prozess der Selbsteinschätzung für Händler und auch eine Reihe von Fragen, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre eigene Trading-Persönlichkeit zu beurteilen Wenn Sie bereits das Buch haben, schlage ich stark vor Sie verbringen Zeit auf dem Kapitel über Selbstbeurteilung. Sie sollten Ihr eigenes Trading-System zu bauen, anstatt zu reißen eine aus dem Internet Ich weiß, es ist sehr verlockend, einfach kopieren Sie das Trading-System von einigen vermeintlich erfolgreichen Trader, und es könnte sehr gut sein Eine sehr profitable Strategie, aber die Tatsache, dass es für sie funktioniert, bedeutet nicht, dass es für Sie arbeiten wird. Das Beste, was zu tun ist, ist zu beachten, diese Strategien und lassen Sie andere Händler Ihnen sagen, was für sie arbeitet, um zu sehen, welche Teile wirklich Resonanz mit dir Leihen Sie Bits und Stücke von anderen Menschen s Trading-Strategien, sondern nur um sie in eine Strategie, die auf Ihre Trading-Persönlichkeit, finanzielle Verhältnisse und Zeitplan angepasst ist. Wenn Sie ein Hobby-Trader und nur wollen t O auf dem Markt bleiben, ohne zu viel zu verlieren, du musst nicht Jahre damit verbrauchen, dein System zu bauen, aber wenn du begangen wurdest, wenn du es ernst meinst, wenn du finanzielle Freiheit willst, dann kann es dir Jahre dauern, bis du gebaut hast Und fein abgestimmt ein erfolgreiches Trading-System von Ihrem eigenen. Do Sie denken, dass sa wenig lange Wie wäre es, wenn Sie ein Geschäft zu starten und jemand sagte Ihnen, es könnte Ihnen drei bis vier Jahre dauern, bevor es ein erfolgreiches Geschäft werden Sie das finden Sehr merkwürdig Denn wenn du es tust, dann gehst du besser nicht ein Geschäft Trading auf den Finanzmärkten für einen Lebensunterhalt, um finanziell unabhängig zu werden, ist ein Geschäft auch Es wird sehr wahrscheinlich nehmen Sie ein paar Jahre, bevor Sie den Handel profitabel konsequent und don t Lassen Sie sich jemand anders sagen. So finden Sie eine Handelsstrategie, die Ihre Trading-Persönlichkeit passt Formulieren Sie eine Einrichtung, eine Exit-Strategie und bestimmen Sie die richtige Geld-Management, und Sie re auf Ihrem Weg. Interesting Sache über das Wort leidenschaftlich ist Dass es zwei entgegengesetzte Bedeutungen hat Auf der einen Seite bedeutet es, über etwas leidenschaftlich zu sein, und auf der anderen Seite bedeutet es, leidenschaftslos zu sein. Als Händler braucht man beide Bedeutungen, um erfolgreich zu werden. Leidenschaftlich über Trading. Look, wenn du nur bist In ihm für das Geld und don t Pflege überhaupt für Diagramme, Preisentwicklung, Finanznachrichten, oder wie verschiedene handelbare Instrumente miteinander korrelieren, mit anderen Worten, wenn Sie don t wie das Spiel, das Sie vermutlich gewann t letzten sehr lange als ein Händler Am Anfang könnten Sie kämpfen, und es wird definitiv schwierige Zeiten sein, also wenn Sie keine Leidenschaft für die Aktivität selbst haben, für den Handel als solche, wird es sehr schwer sein, durch diese schwierigen Zeiten zu kommen. Be leidenschaftlich beim Handel. Sie haben sorgfältig ein Trading-System, das Ihre Trading-Persönlichkeit passt, das hat eine solide Einrichtung, Exit-Strategie und Geld-Management Einer der Hauptgründe, die Sie haben ein Trading-System ist es, Sie von emotionalen Entscheidungen zu halten So, jetzt, dass yo Sie sind auf dem Markt, es ist Zeit, um Ihr System seine Arbeit zu machen. Folglich, wenn die Position offen ist, sind Sie leidenschaftslos Ihr System läuft den Handel und Sie don t Pflege entweder Weg, ob der Handel geht eine oder andere Weise Das System gibt Ihnen keine 100 Siege - kein System kann - aber Sie haben es so eingerichtet, dass es im ganzen rentabel ist, und jetzt müssen Sie es das machen lassen. Das bedeutet nicht, dass Sie sich nie ändern können Ihr System bedeutet, dass Sie Ihrem System vertrauen müssen, solange Sie sich in einem Handel befinden. Sie müssen Ihrem Handelssystem vertrauen. Sie müssen Ihrem Setup vertrauen, Sie müssen Ihrem Geldmanagement vertrauen und Sie müssen Ihrem Ausstieg vertrauen Strategie Wenn Sie don t, Sie wahrscheinlich Ihr System ändern, bevor es eine Chance hat, sich selbst zu beweisen. Let s Blick auf ein Beispiel Sagen Sie haben ein System, das 50 Gewinner und 50 Verlierer bietet Ein gewinnender Handel wird Ihnen 10 Pips, Dollar, Goldbarren, doesn t Angelegenheit ein verlierender Handel kostet Sie 7 Das bedeutet, dass auf lange Sicht, Ausführung 100 Trades wird einen durchschnittlichen Nettogewinn von 50x3 150 So Ihre Erwartete Wert ist 1,5 pro Trade. That doesn t bedeuten, dass Sie 150 Gewinn machen jedes Mal, wenn Sie 100 Trades ausführen Eine zufällige Probe von 100 Trades könnte leicht zeigen, 80 Gewinner und 20 Verlierer , Oder umgekehrt Aber auf lange Sicht wirst du diesen durchschnittlichen Nettogewinn von 1,5 pro Handel drehen. Das heißt, wenn du an dem System haftet. Wenn du dein System nicht vertraust, wechsest du zu früh zu einem anderen System Und du wirst nie herausfinden, ob das System oder irgendein anderes Handelssystem funktioniert oder nicht. Natürlich kannst du dein System backtest und dir dabei helfen, es zu tun, bevor es live geht, aber viele Händler haben immer noch Schwierigkeiten nach einem System Auch wenn es sich in einem festen Backtest bewährt hat. Sobald sie mit echtem Geld anfangen, kriecht der Zweifel nach nur ein paar verlorenen Trades, und dann beginnt das Tweaking, das Ändern, das Mißtrauen. Bisher haben viele Händler auf eine neue geschaltet System, nach dem der Prozess rep Isst sich selbst. Natürlich können Sie Ihr System optimieren - und Sie sollten - aber tun Sie es sparsam und aufmerksam Sie verbringen Zeit, das System zu bauen, das System zu verfolgen und Ihr System zu bewerten Nur wenn Sie ein Leck über einen längeren Zeitraum finden, sollte es sein Sie passen das System an. Wenn Sie das System nicht vertrauen, während Sie in einem Handel sind, werden Sie ungeduldig Ungeduld macht Sie zu früh beenden - Angst, dass Gewinne zerstreuen - oder zu spät, weil Sie nicht wollen, einen Verlust zu nehmen. Once you re in the trade and for as long you re in the trade, you have to trust the system. The GRABIT system consists of six principles you have to follow to become a successful trader. Goals - Set clear, definable goals. Realism - Make sure the goals you set are realistic. Set up your charts. Set up your charts. A One the left hand side of screen you will be able to choose your chart Choose EUR USD or whatever currency pair you like 5 min, line and the chart will appear on the right hand side Maximize the chart to fill the ri ght hand side. Your chart should now look something like this. Now if you want to make the price line darker, you can right click right on the price line and a properties box will appear You can adjust the thickness of the line In this example the price line width is set it to 2.B Before we add our studies to our charts, I would like you to go to the following links Read how to trade the Parabolic SAR here. Read about how to trade moving average crossovers here. Read about how to trade Bollinger Bands here. We will be giving examples of how to apply these studies to day trading Forex. C Now we will add the Moving Averages to the chart We will be using the Exponential Moving Average 10 the Bollinger Band Exponential Set at 20, and the Exponential Moving Average 50.Click on Moving Average on the left hand side under Studies Set your first MA to 10, close, exponential and you can make it red with line width 2 under the Color Style Tab. Click on Moving Average again and add your MA 50, close, exponential and make this line blue with line width 2.Here is a shot of the Moving Average Properties window. D Now go to the studies on the left hand side of your screen Select Bollinger Bands and set them to 20,2, close exponential Make the middle band green, line width 2.E Add Parabolic SAR to your chart by selecting it on the left and use the default settings Make the dots darker, by selecting line width 2.Your chart should now look like this. You can zoom in and out of your chart using the small buttons in the bottom right hand side of your screen. How To Change the Currency Pair and Time Frame. On the bottom of your chart, you can change the currency pair and right beside it, if you click on the button that says M5 you can change the time frame of the chart The studies will automatically be added to any new time frame and currency pair that you select. How to Exit the VT Platform Properly. To exit the VT platform, click on FILE and then EXIT The studies that you added to your chart will automatically be up the next time that you log in to your account Please note that if you click x on the top left hand corner of your chart you will close the chart and reset your settings that you added If you want to keep your studies and charts intact you can minimize it or just leave always keep it open to keep your settings saved. F Now we will add 3 more indicators below the chart to help us confirm the trend, and to help us identify exact entry and exit buy or sell signals The following indicators give us insight into the momentum, direction and overbought sold indicators Used along with the Exponential Moving Averages, Parabolic SAR and Bollinger Bands these indicators can be very helpful to the day trader. Read about how to trade the MACD Histogram here. Relative Strength Index RSI. Read about how to trade the RSI here. Read about how to trade the Slow Stochastic here. Now add these studies to your charts. Under Studies click on MACD Histogram and use the default settings 9,Exponential, 12, 26, Close, Exponential and set the line width to 2 Your study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Relative Strength Index and set it to 14 and set the line width to 2 Your study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Slow Stochastic and set it to 5,3,3, Exponential and make the K line blue with line width 2, and the D line red with line width 2.Your chart, with all the studies on it should now look like this example of USD CAD 10 min chart Noti ce that I clicked on the zoom in button a couple of times on the bottom right hand corner to get it to look like this. Set up your charts. Forex Trading Secrets. There are many advertisements and promotions talking about forex trading secrets Most of them are trying to sell you a book or a video serious Some are simple just trying to get them to your website. More recently, I ve been seeing ads that seem to be promoting a simple method that will make millions They tout that one little trick helped them make a lot of money in forex trading Well let me just explain why you should beware and cautious of these so called forex trading secrets. Paradox of the Forex Trading Secrets Sauce. First of all, it doesn t make any sense why anyone would want to share their secret Successful businesses have what they call their secret sauce It s some sort of trade secret that gives them a competitive advantage in their market If they reveal this secret, their competitors will come in like vultures and use it to even the playing field. It is no different in the forex market You have to ask yourself a question Why would someone with a forex trading secrets that makes them tons of money in forex trading want to share it with the world Trading companies and currency traders who do have a secret that works to make money doesn t share it with anyone They just use it to make money. Well, here is some speculation on what those reasons would be. The first reason is simple, the secret doesn t really work and they are trying to rip you off and make money off of you They re looking to make a quick buck They may not even actually trade on the forex market at all. Think about it If they were making millions on the forex market with their system why would they be using cheap and conniving tactics to get you to pay 19 95 for their e-book It s a simple matter of using common sense. The only reason I can think of that someone with a working system want to legitimately want to share it is so the prices will go u p more when they trade For example, if based on their system they expect the price to rise, if they have tons of other traders that think the same thing, the price will go up even more But even this doesn t make sense because the currency market is so big that it won t really make a difference anyways. Why You Don t Need Them. Here s why you really don t need a secret to begin with There are plenty of forex trading strategies out there that work They aren t secrets They are just common, well-known, credible strategies that make many traders money everyday. These are things like using a variety of forex indicators Fibonacci retracement, etc to make trades The fundamentals work, just like in any other trading world.1 Flares Twitter 1 Facebook 0 Google 0 LinkedIn 0 Filament io More Info 1 Flares. Forex Trading Secrets, Learn the 15 secrets to Forex Trading. Over the years we have determined 15 things that we feel need to be learned and internalized to become a successful trader We call them se crets because most people don t seem to find them even though they re right in the open. You can watch the video and or read the blog post for the information. I m going to review the 15 secrets. We hope this video and written article will help you be able to internalize some of these important steps to becoming a successful trader. FOREX Trading Secrets. What are the Forex Trading Secrets known to those who consistently make money trading Forex. Well, theres one thing that you cant afford NOT to know when it comes to Forex trading Its simple, but so many people overlook it, and suffer loss after loss in their trades. What is the one critical FOREX trading secret that every expert wants to sell you. Its something that underpins our very psychological makeup, yet its the one thing most responsible for our financial success and failure when trading Forex And that is controlling our basic human emotions I said controlling them because we cannot turn them off and they are a part of us everyday, ho ur, minute of our lives. Successful and profitable Forex trading is often hindered by emotions fear and greed. either cause us to bail-out too soon on winning trades. immobilize us into holding on to losing trades in hopes that theyll become profitable. prevent us from getting into a obvious nice setup. make us hold on to winning trades for far too long, and ultimately leads loosing the gains and even settling on a loss. make us force the trade timing when the trend is undecided or overly risky vs following the rules and letting the market come to us. make us trade too large for our account size in hopes of getting rich quick. As humans, were blinded by our emotions but when youre trading Forex, you need clear-sighted objectivity in order to make serious profits. Here are some other Forex Trading Secrets that I teach my students. Dont trade when you are tired or hungry. Follow the rules you learned in class Reinventing the wheel on a whim will be expensive in the terms of trial and error and loss es. Analyze the markets before you trade Dont just trade to trade. Plan the trade then trade the plan Sounds simple but many people second guess themselves right out of solid wins. Use the tools for entry and exit like the Fibonacci. One of our proprietary indicators tells you when to buy on the uptrend retrace at 1 4556.The Fibonacci pattern tells you when to exit at the common pivot point 618 at 1 4576.What is a Fibonacci pattern. It is a mathematical sequence that appears in nature over and over again check out these two following YouTube video clips. The sequence is as follows.0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597.Past 8, any two sequential numbers divided by the next one is 0 618 Skip one number and do the same division and you get 0 382 Well, everyone else knows this as well as robotic programmers so naturally there will be pivot or turning points at these levels See above where the pink ball is that was you exit point Hoping for more due to greed is oft en fruitless. Enjoy the videos Happy trading. Can I make 6 figures trading forex. Absolutely, you can definitely hit and even exceed the 100,000 mark with this incredible market Making 6 figures is definitely possible if you trade with your brain objectivity instead of your heart subjectivity. Lets break this down and see how we could theoretically achieve a 6 figure income out of the forex. 100,000 8,300 mo approx. 999,999 83,300 mo approx. So, in order to make six figures, you need to make 8,300 per month on the low end of this scale and 83,300 per month on the higher end of this scale This is very possible with the forex market, but a lot depends on.1 How much capital you have, and.2 Your level of skill You can now review, rate and compare brokerage firms in India and help your fellow investors choose the best one out there. You will find that the best brokers are currently discount brokers, these firms charge a flat fee per trade Rs 20 Zerodha or a flat monthly fee for unlimited trades. Zerodha Broker Ratings Review. In the Reviews above you will find. Quick overview with fields. Type discount full service. Trading Platforms Trading platforms they use. Exchanges Products NSE BSE MCX Equity, Futures, Options, Currency Commodities. Brokerage exact brokerage charged per customer. Account opening charges self explanatory. Uniqueness what sets this firm apart. There is also a Score tab, this is a tally of all the user reviews and an average taken out out of 10-points. As we collect more reviews, these ratings will be used to tally provide valuable and objectified ranking for all the brokerage firms in India If you are an existing customer we would. encourage you to rate on their respective pages. There is also an ASK section where you can ask the brokers any questions, they will be answering these directly to you, MarketScientist merely acts as a platform. This allows you to connect to them with any questions you may have, we guarantee quick response times for your queries. Gallery To get a good feel of their services and make the pages as close to answering all your questions we also have created galleries of the trading terminal, services, support and the team. The Beginner s Guide To Online Currency Trading. For over 7 years Trading Currency Online has been helping those new to FOREX understand this fascinating and potentially lucrative business.7 years ago most people had never even heard of F OREX and yet today it is one of the most attractive home business opportunities for the average person. Why would you want to trade FOREX. Online Currency Trading on the For eign Ex change FOREX provides an incredible wealth building opportunity for the average person. FOREX education is free or cheap. There are several sources of free charts and news feeds. You can play with virtual account while you learn to trade. You can open a real trading account for just a few hundred dollars. Trade anywhere in the world you have an internet connection. Learn to trade while you keep your day job. Every day more and more people from all walks of life are discovering how rewarding a career online currency trading can provide. Successful FOREX traders have a lifestyle most people can only dream about. Most importantly FOREX can give you. Freedom to do what you want, go where you want and be who you want. But online currency trading is not easy as many internet scam artists would like to have you believe. In fact most people loose money trading FOREX. Most people do not treat online currency trading as a business but rather as a game of chance. They roll the dice and hope for the best. Here is your first FOREX lesson. Because FOREX does not have the insider trading issues most other tradable markets do, there are really only TWO types of traders. Traders that are uneducated as to how the markets work. Traders that are educated as to how the markets work. Every trading day the EDUCATED traders continuously TAKE funds from the UNEDUCATED traders. So what is the first lesson on how to become a successful online currency trader. Education Patience Persistence SUCCESS in FOREX. If you want to be a successful FOREX trader then you have got to educate yourself as to how the markets work. FOREX can be fun, in fact many traders view it as the ultimate online financial game. But there are plenty of very serious players in this game who want to beat you and win the game. This is why you should treat FOREX like a busi ness. This site can provide the foundational knowledge to help you do just that. The main objective of this site is to provide quality usable information that a beginning FOREX trader can use to jumpstart their trading career. At Trading Currency Online you won t find a bunch of hype and empty promises but rather what may be arguably some of the best Free FOREX trading tutorials on the internet. If you are looking for systems and secret trading programs this is not the site. If you are looking for a solid foundational BASIC education in FOREX trading then dig in and welcome to the fascinating and potentially lucrative world of FOREXponents of a Strategy Statement. The strategy statement of a firm sets the firm s long-term strategic direction and broad policy directions It gives the firm a clear sense of direction and a blueprint for the firm s activities for the upcoming years The main constituents of a strategic statement are as follows. An organization s strategic intent is the purpose that it exists and why it will continue to exist, providing it maintains a competitive advantage Strategic intent gives a picture about what an organization must get into immediately in order to achieve the company s vision It motivates the people It clarifies the vision of the vision of the company. Strategic intent helps management to emphasize and concentrate on the priorities Strategic intent is, nothing but, the influencing of an organization s resource potential and core competencies to achieve what at first may seem to be unachievable goals in the competitive environment A well expressed strategic intent should guide steer the development of strategic intent or the setting of goals and objectives that require that all of organization s competencies be controlled to maximum value. Strategic intent includes directing organization s attention on the need of winning inspiring people by telling them that the targets are valuable encouraging individual and team participation as well as cont ribution and utilizing intent to direct allocation of resources. Strategic intent differs from strategic fit in a way that while strategic fit deals with harmonizing available resources and potentials to the external environment, strategic intent emphasizes on building new resources and potentials so as to create and exploit future opportunities. Mission statement is the statement of the role by which an organization intends to serve it s stakeholders It describes why an organization is operating and thus provides a framework within which strategies are formulated It describes what the organization does i e present capabilities , who all it serves i e stakeholders and what makes an organization unique i e reason for existence. A mission statement differentiates an organization from others by explaining its broad scope of activities, its products, and technologies it uses to achieve its goals and objectives It talks about an organization s present i e about where we are For instance, Micro soft s mission is to help people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential Wal-Mart s mission is To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people Mission statements always exist at top level of an organization, but may also be made for various organizational levels Chief executive plays a significant role in formulation of mission statement Once the mission statement is formulated, it serves the organization in long run, but it may become ambiguous with organizational growth and innovations. In today s dynamic and competitive environment, mission may need to be redefined However, care must be taken that the redefined mission statement should have original fundamentals components Mission statement has three main components-a statement of mission or vision of the company, a statement of the core values that shape the acts and behaviour of the employees, and a statement of the goals and objectives. Features of a Mission. Mission must be feasible and attainable It should be possible to achieve it. Mission should be clear enough so that any action can be taken. It should be inspiring for the management, staff and society at large. It should be precise enough, i e it should be neither too broad nor too narrow. It should be unique and distinctive to leave an impact in everyone s mind. It should be analytical, i e it should analyze the key components of the strategy. It should be credible i e all stakeholders should be able to believe it. A vision statement identifies where the organization wants or intends to be in future or where it should be to best meet the needs of the stakeholders It describes dreams and aspirations for future For instance, Microsoft s vision is to empower people through great software, any time, any place, or any device Wal-Mart s vision is to become worldwide leader in retailing. A vision is the potential to view things ahead of themselves It answers the question where we want to be It gives us a reminder about wh at we attempt to develop A vision statement is for the organization and it s members, unlike the mission statement which is for the customers clients It contributes in effective decision making as well as effective business planning It incorporates a shared understanding about the nature and aim of the organization and utilizes this understanding to direct and guide the organization towards a better purpose It describes that on achieving the mission, how the organizational future would appear to be. An effective vision statement must have following features. It must be unambiguous. It must be clear. It must harmonize with organization s culture and values. The dreams and aspirations must be rational realistic. Vision statements should be shorter so that they are easier to memorize. In order to realize the vision, it must be deeply instilled in the organization, being owned and shared by everyone involved in the organization. Goals and Objectives. A goal is a desired future state or objective th at an organization tries to achieve Goals specify in particular what must be done if an organization is to attain mission or vision Goals make mission more prominent and concrete They co-ordinate and integrate various functional and departmental areas in an organization Well made goals have following features. These are precise and measurable. These look after critical and significant issues. These are realistic and challenging. These must be achieved within a specific time frame. These include both financial as well as non-financial components. Objectives are defined as goals that organization wants to achieve over a period of time These are the foundation of planning Policies are developed in an organization so as to achieve these objectives Formulation of objectives is the task of top level management Effective objectives have following features. These are not single for an organization, but multiple. Objectives should be both short-term as well as long-term. Objectives must respond and reac t to changes in environment, i e they must be flexible. These must be feasible, realistic and operational. Learn management concepts skills rapidly with easy to understand, richly illustrated self-paced learning modules downloadable powerpoint presentations. Click below to view DEMO on Introduction to Strategic Management. Training and Development - Meaning, its Need and Importance. Training and development is vital part of the human resource development It is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer s expectation of quality and service and a subsequent need to lower costs It is also become more important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs In the current write up, we will focus more on the emerging need of training and development, its implications upon individuals and the employers. Noted management author Peter Drucker said that the fastest growing industry would be training and development as a result of replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers In United States, for example, according to one estimate technology is de-skilling 75 of the population This is true for the developing nations and for those who are on the threshold of development In Japan for example, with increasing number of women joining traditionally male jobs, training is required not only to impart necessary job skills but also for preparing them for the physically demanding jobs They are trained in everything from sexual harassment policies to the necessary job skills. The need for Training and Development. Before we say that technology is responsible for increased need of training inputs to employees, it is important to understand that there are other factors too that contribute to the latter Training is also necessary for the individual development and progress of the employee, which motivates him to work for a certain organisation apart from just money We also require training update employees of the market trends, the change in the employment policies and other things. The following are the two biggest factors that contribute to the increased need to training and development in organisations. Change The word change encapsulates almost everything It is one of the biggest factors that contribute to the need of training and development There is in fact a direct relationship between the two Change leads to the need for training and development and training and development leads to individual and organisational change, and the cycle goes on and on More specifically it is the technology that is driving the need changing the way how businesses function, compete and deliver. Development It is again one the strong reasons for training and development becoming all the more important Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very true for the 21st century People who work with organisations seek more than just employment out of their work they look a t holistic development of self Spirituality and self awareness for example are gaining momentum world over People seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible unless an individual is aware of the self At ford, for example, an individual can enrol himself herself in a course on self awareness , which apparently seems inconsequential to ones performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being of an individual which is all the more important. The critical question however remains the implications and the contribution of training and development to the bottom line of organisations performance To assume a leadership position in the market space, an organisation will need to emphasise on the kind of programs they use to improvise performance and productivity and not just how much they simply spend on learning. Next Article. Performance Management - Meaning, System and Process. Definition of Performance Management. The role of HR in the present scenario has undergone a sea change a nd its focus is on evolving such functional strategies which enable successful implementation of the major corporate strategies In a way, HR and corporate strategies function in alignment Today, HR works towards facilitating and improving the performance of the employees by building a conducive work environment and providing maximum opportunities to the employees for participating in organizational planning and decision making process. Today, all the major activities of HR are driven towards development of high performance leaders and fostering employee motivation So, it can be interpreted that the role of HR has evolved from merely an appraiser to a facilitator and an enabler. Performance management is the current buzzword and is the need in the current times of cut throat competition and the organizational battle for leadership Performance management is a much broader and a complicated function of HR, as it encompasses activities such as joint goal setting, continuous progress review a nd frequent communication, feedback and coaching for improved performance, implementation of employee development programmes and rewarding achievements. The process of performance management starts with the joining of a new incumbent in a system and ends when an employee quits the organization. Performance management can be regarded as a systematic process by which the overall performance of an organization can be improved by improving the performance of individuals within a team framework It is a means for promoting superior performance by communicating expectations, defining roles within a required competence framework and establishing achievable benchmarks. According to Armstrong and Baron 1998 , Performance Management is both a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering successful results in organizations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and individuals. The term performance management gained its popularity in early 1980 s when total quality management programs received utmost importance for achievement of superior standards and quality performance Tools such as job design, leadership development, training and reward system received an equal impetus along with the traditional performance appraisal process in the new comprehensive and a much wider framework Performance management is an ongoing communication process which is carried between the supervisors and the employees through out the year The process is very much cyclical and continuous in nature A performance management system includes the following actions. Developing clear job descriptions and employee performance plans which includes the key result areas KRA and performance indicators. Selection of right set of people by implementing an appropriate selection process. Negotiating requirements and performance standards for measuring the outcome and overall productivity against the predefined benchmarks. Providing continuous coaching and feedback during the period of del ivery of performance. Identifying the training and development needs by measuring the outcomes achieved against the set standards and implementing effective development programs for improvement. Holding quarterly performance development discussions and evaluating employee performance on the basis of performance plans. Designing effective compensation and reward systems for recognizing those employees who excel in their jobs by achieving the set standards in accordance with the performance plans or rather exceed the performance benchmarks. Providing promotional career development support and guidance to the employees. Performing exit interviews for understanding the cause of employee discontentment and thereafter exit from an organization. A performance management process sets the platform for rewarding excellence by aligning individual employee accomplishments with the organization s mission and objectives and making the employee and the organization understand the importance of a specific j ob in realizing outcomes By establishing clear performance expectations which includes results, actions and behaviors, it helps the employees in understanding what exactly is expected out of their jobs and setting of standards help in eliminating those jobs which are of no use any longer Through regular feedback and coaching, it provides an advantage of diagnosing the problems at an early stage and taking corrective actions. To conclude, performance management can be regarded as a proactive system of managing employee performance for driving the individuals and the organizations towards desired performance and results It s about striking a harmonious alignment between individual and organizational objectives for accomplishment of excellence in performance. Learn management concepts skills rapidly with easy to understand, richly illustrated self-paced learning modules downloadable powerpoint presentations. Click below to view DEMO on Performance Management. Training Needs Analysis. Training is an expensive process not only in terms of the money spent on it but also the time and the other resources spent on the same The most important question therefore is determining whether or not a need for training actually exists and whether the intervention will contribute to the achievement of organisational goal directly or indirectly The answer to the above mentioned question lies in training needs analysis which is the first step in the entire process of training and development. Training needs analysis is a systematic process of understanding training requirements It is conducted at three stages - at the level of organisation, individual and the job, each of which is called as the organisational, individual and job analysis Once these analyses are over, the results are collated to arrive upon the objectives of the training program. Another view of the training need is that, it is the discrepancy between what is and what should be Taking cues from this the world bank conducted a ne eds analysis and arrived upon the conclusion that many of its units in eastern regions of Europe required transformation from state owned business to self sustaining organisations A number of universities were then contacted to develop the necessary modules and conduct the training upon the same. Although each step in the entire training process is unique in its own, needs analysis is special in that it lays the foundation for the kind of training required The assessment gives insight into what kind of intervention is required, knowledge or skill or both In certain cases where both of these are present and the performance is still missing then the problem may be motivational in nature It thus highlights the need and the appropriate intervention which is essential to make the training effective. As mentioned earlier, the needs analysis assessment is carried out at three levels - organisational, Individual and Job We now take up each one of them in detail. The organisational analysis is aim ed at short listing the focus areas for training within the organisation and the factors that may affect the same Organisational mission, vision, goals, people inventories, processes, performance data are all studied The study gives cues about the kind of learning environment required for the training Motorola and IBM for example, conduct surveys every year keeping in view the short term and long term goals of the organisation. The job analysis of the needs assessment survey aims at understanding the what of the training development stage The kind of intervention needed is what is decided upon in the job analysis It is an objective assessment of the job wherein both the worker oriented - approach as well as the task - oriented approach is taken into consideration The worker approach identifies key behaviours and ASK for a certain job and the task - oriented approach identifies the activities to be performed in a certain job The former is useful in deciding the intervention and the latte r in content development and program evaluation. As evident from the name itself, the individual analysis is concerned with who in the organisation needs the training and in which particular area Here performance is taken out from the performance appraisal data and the same is compared with the expected level or standard of performance The individual analysis is also conducted through questionnaires, 360 feedback, personal interviews etc Likewise, many organisation use competency ratings to rate their managers these ratings may come from their subordinates, customers, peers, bosses etc Apart from the above mentioned organisations also make use of attitude surveys, critical Incidents and Assessment surveys to understand training needs which will be discussed in detail in other articles. Strategy Evaluation Process and its Significance. Strategy Evaluation is as significant as strategy formulation because it throws light on the efficiency and effectiveness of the comprehensive plans in achi eving the desired results The managers can also assess the appropriateness of the current strategy in todays dynamic world with socio-economic, political and technological innovations Strategic Evaluation is the final phase of strategic management. The significance of strategy evaluation lies in its capacity to co-ordinate the task performed by managers, groups, departments etc, through control of performance Strategic Evaluation is significant because of various factors such as - developing inputs for new strategic planning, the urge for feedback, appraisal and reward, development of the strategic management process, judging the validity of strategic choice etc. The process of Strategy Evaluation consists of following steps. Fixing benchmark of performance - While fixing the benchmark, strategists encounter questions such as - what benchmarks to set, how to set them and how to express them In order to determine the benchmark performance to be set, it is essential to discover the special requirements for performing the main task The performance indicator that best identify and express the special requirements might then be determined to be used for evaluation The organization can use both quantitative and qualitative criteria for comprehensive assessment of performance Quantitative criteria includes determination of net profit, ROI, earning per share, cost of production, rate of employee turnover etc Among the Qualitative factors are subjective evaluation of factors such as - skills and competencies, risk taking potential, flexibility etc. Measurement of performance - The standard performance is a bench mark with which the actual performance is to be compared The reporting and communication system help in measuring the performance If appropriate means are available for measuring the performance and if the standards are set in the right manner, strategy evaluation becomes easier But various factors such as managers contribution are difficult to measure Similarly division al performance is sometimes difficult to measure as compared to individual performance Thus, variable objectives must be created against which measurement of performance can be done The measurement must be done at right time else evaluation will not meet its purpose For measuring the performance, financial statements like - balance sheet, profit and loss account must be prepared on an annual basis. Analyzing Variance - While measuring the actual performance and comparing it with standard performance there may be variances which must be analyzed The strategists must mention the degree of tolerance limits between which the variance between actual and standard performance may be accepted The positive deviation indicates a better performance but it is quite unusual exceeding the target always The negative deviation is an issue of concern because it indicates a shortfall in performance Thus in this case the strategists must discover the causes of deviation and must take corrective action to overcome it. Taking Corrective Action - Once the deviation in performance is identified, it is essential to plan for a corrective action If the performance is consistently less than the desired performance, the strategists must carry a detailed analysis of the factors responsible for such performance If the strategists discover that the organizational potential does not match with the performance requirements, then the standards must be lowered Another rare and drastic corrective action is reformulating the strategy which requires going back to the process of strategic management, reframing of plans according to new resource allocation trend and consequent means going to the beginning point of strategic management process. Previous Article. Next Article. Training of Employees - Need and Importance of Training. Training of employees takes place after orientation takes place Training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job Tra ining process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees It is continuous and never ending in nature. Importance of Training. Training is crucial for organizational development and success It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an organization An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well. Training is given on four basic grounds. New candidates who join an organization are given training This training familiarize them with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and the working conditions. The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their knowledge. If any updations and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope up with those changes For instance, purchasing a new equipment, changes in technique of production, computer implantment The employees are trained about use of new equipments and work methods. When promotion and career growth becomes important Training is gi ven so that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher level job. The benefits of training can be summed up as. Improves morale of employees - Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction The more satisfied the employee is and the greater is his morale, the more he will contribute to organizational success and the lesser will be employee absenteeism and turnover. Less supervision - A well trained employee will be well acquainted with the job and will need less of supervision Thus, there will be less wastage of time and efforts. Fewer accidents - Errors are likely to occur if the employees lack knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job The more trained an employee is, the less are the chances of committing accidents in job and the more proficient the employee becomes. Chances of promotion - Employees acquire skills and efficiency during training They become more eligible for promotion They become an asset for the organization. Inc reased productivity - Training improves efficiency and productivity of employees Well trained employees show both quantity and quality performance There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are properly trained. Ways Methods of Training. Training is generally imparted in two ways. On the job training - On the job training methods are those which are given to the employees within the everyday working of a concern It is a simple and cost-effective training method The inproficient as well as semi - proficient employees can be well trained by using such training method The employees are trained in actual working scenario The motto of such training is learning by doing Instances of such on-job training methods are job-rotation, coaching, temporary promotions, etc. Off the job training - Off the job training methods are those in which training is provided away from the actual working condition It is generally used in case of new employees Instances of off the job training me thods are workshops, seminars, conferences, etc Such method is costly and is effective if and only if large number of employees have to be trained within a short time period Off the job training is also called as vestibule training, i e the employees are trained in a separate area may be a hall, entrance, reception area, etc known as a vestibule where the actual working conditions are duplicated.50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf.50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf. Hi guest Welcome to 50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf Review. Even a little thing around you can disturb you, if it is not in tune with your norms and movements If you have such problem and you are not willing to part with it what is the next option Just to adjust 50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf to your comfort level In that process changes will be needed in your attitude and behavior.50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf methods work on this principle It shows how a little change here and there alter the scene as a whole and make ever yone happy and tension free So dont be worried any more. Own your copy of 50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy Pdf methods and move forward with confidence Dont feel fed up with your anymore It will never be a nightmare. Forex Trading Strategy. Forex Trading Strategy. Hello and welcome to Forex Trading Strategy Review This is a website which gets updated on a daily basis with an open minded and truthful analysis of the products launched in the market. Before Forex Trading Strategy Whatever is your favorite item, you would find an evaluation designed to offer you great insights into that product If you fail to find the review of any product, just create a free account and post your query. Our experts would come up with their test results of the required item in the shortest time possible. Trading Room and Newsletter. The Pristine Day and Swing Trader Newsletter is a must for any day trader or swing trader First and foremost, because it is brought to you by Pristine Trading, the most trusted name in the business since 1994, and multiple winner of both the Best Trading Newsletter and Best Trading Education awards You receive this premium, award-winning newsletter in your email every trading day, around 9 00 AM ET. The newsletter starts off by reminding you of important economic data and earnings reports Traders should at least be aware of which economic data is released because of the market reactions that can occur due to news events Many traders also will follow earnings reports to find stocks that may be moving that day. The letter then goes on to take a look at the market both long-term and intraday, by looking at the chart technicals and using the Pristine Method This method is an incredibly accurate way to look at the market You are then shown the top hot sectors from the prior day. Following that, there is a section that highlights individual stocks that may be of interest on a swing trading or core trading basis These are positions that would be held from days to weeks There are some days when nothing may be setting up properly, but usually one or two stocks make the cut to be featured in the section Again, these selections are based on the world-renowned Pristine Method and selected by the Pristine Research Department. Next, you are presented a section that is devoted to stocks that are gapping up or down that morning When a stock gaps up or down, it means that it opens at a price significantly different than where it closed the prior day These stocks may be suitable for day traders and also for swing traders, alike Regardless of the reason why stocks are gapping, they may present great technical opportunities because of the shock value that can be created by gaps. Next, you ll see an educational article written by members of the Pristine Research Department These articles are believed by many traders as being the most informative and best in the industry This important section helps you improve your ability to understand as a trader investor. And, finally, the letter concludes with a key section that outlines watchlists of stocks to keep an eye on both on a swing trading and on an intraday basis Thousands of stocks are reviewed by the Pristine Research Department to come up with a handful of stocks worth watching To many, this is the most valuable part of the letter For most experienced traders, something needs to occur in order to make an entry on any play however, that cannot always be determined before the market opens Having a wider variety of ideas in front of you makes you more able to pick up on the opportunities when they occur. Each day, we analyze our database of over 6,000 securities to determine which ones appear to be offering the best day and swing trading opportunities The Pristine Research Department prepares the applicable intraday charts to discuss the market and show visually what areas of the chart are important and where significant support and resistance may be found We then outline the chart setup for each one The Prist ine Day and Swing Trader uses each opportunity to educate traders Through its educational commentary and detailed sections, the learning experience alone is very valuable. Just imagine being behind the closed doors of an elite group of traders who spend their days analyzing the equity markets Imagine learning their methods, their sophisticated approaches, and getting instruction from each This is what you can receive as a subscriber to The Pristine Day and Swing Trader Subscribe today and find out why The Pristine Swing Further Questions, notes on the teaching of each chapter, and notes on course organization. Test Bank The Test Bank has been greatly improved for this edition and is also available online to adopting instructors from Pearson. New To This Edition. The changes taking place in the way over-the-counter derivatives are traded are explained. The chapter on swaps chapter 7 reflects the trend in the market toward OIS discounting It explains how swaps can be valued using both LIBOR a nd OIS discounting. New non-technical explanations of the Black-Scholes-Merton formula are provided in chapter 13 and an appendix to chapter 12 outlines how the formula can be derived from binomial trees. New material has been added on principal protected notes chapter 11 reflecting their importance in the market. Products such as DOOM options and CEBOs offered by the CME Group are covered chapter 9.The material on exotic options chapter 22 has been expanded to include a discussion of cliquet and Parisian options. The material on credit derivatives chapter 23 has been updated and expanded. Value at risk is explained with an example using real data chapter 20 The example and accompanying spread sheets have been improved for this edition This makes the presentation more interesting and gives instructors the opportunity to use richer assignment questions. Many new end-of-chapter problems have been added. The Test Bank available to adopting instructors has been improved and expanded. Table of Cont ents.2 Mechanics of futures markets.5 Determination of forward and futures prices.6 Interest rate futures. You can preview this product in two ways. Principles of Quantitative Equity Investing A Complete Guide to Creating, Evaluating, and Implementing Trading Strategies Sugata Ray productFormatCode C02.path ProductBean courseSmarttrue ISBN-10 0134192796 ISBN-13 9780134192796 9780134192796 9780134193441 2015 FT Press Cloth, 224 pp Published 06 18 2015 Instock. In this section. About This Product. In Principles of Quantitative Equity Investing, pioneering financial researcher Dr Sugata Ray demonstrates how to invest successfully in US equities with quantitative strategies, using rigorous rule sets to decide when and what to trade. Whether youre a serious investor, professional advisor, or student of finance, Ray will help you determine the optimal quantitative rules for your investing objectives, and then backtest their performance through any historical time period He demonstrates each key te chnique using state-of-the-art Equities Lab software and this book comes with 20 weeks of free access to Equities Lab, plus a discount on its purchase. Ray covers key topics including stock screening, portfolio rebalancing, market timing, returns and dividends, benchmarks, bespoke measures, and more He also presents a series of powerful screens built by many of the worlds most successful investors. Together, this guidebook and software combine to offer a turnkey solution for creating virtually any quantitative strategy, and then accurately estimating its performance and risk characteristics helping you systematically maximize your profits and control your risk. Sign in to the Instructor Resource Center. An internal error has occurred Please try again. This work is protected by local and international laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning Dissemination or sale of any part of this work including on the World Wide Web wi ll destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted The work and materials from this site should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accompanying text in their classes All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials. You can preview this product in two ways. OTIS Online Trading and Investment Simulator Student Access Kit Wharton Learning Lab, University of Pennsylvania productFormatCode P43.In this section. About This Product. OTIS, the Online Trading and Investment Simulator, allows students to buy and sell securities using real-world market data without risking real money This hands-on learning environment allows students to apply the concepts and test the strategies they learn in class, while giving instructors complete control over the parameters of trading and access into their students portfolios. View a demo of OTI S For more information, visit OTIS. OTIS is available with any Addison-Wesley Finance title OTIS is automatically included with Fundamentals of Investing Eleventh Edition, by Lawrence J Gitman and Michael D Joehnk. OTIS lets the student be the fund manager. Make trades Use real-world market data to execute trades. View holdings See the book value and current market value of stocks. Performance analysis Create industry sectors and assess the relative returns of securities within and across sectors. Evaluate performance Students can compare their portfolio performance to the portfolios of classmates. OTIS is a powerful, hands-on, environment for teaching and applying key investments concepts. Portfolio management Teach students how portfolios are constructed and how to keep them balanced. Short selling Show how to benefit from market declines. Margin trading Demonstrate the mechanics, risks, and requirements of margin trading. Liquidity Illustrate the strategies for entering and exiting the market and the need for cash on hand. OTIS gives instructors control over the parameters of the simulation. Instructors can choose which security classes students can trade and even add new security classes at different points during the simulation. Instructors can choose to conduct one simulation for the duration of a semester or to conduct a series of shorter simulations. Students can participate in the open OTIS simulation if their professor does not require it for the course Click here for more information. The most recent market data and financial information is provided by the Financial Times Interactive Data. To view a demo or for more information, visit OTIS. OTIS was developed through a partnership with the Wharton Learning Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. The SMB newsletter is full of great content for both beginning and advanced traders You will find videos, articles and selected blog posts The newsletter will also feature events such as free webinars and on site presentations.1 SMB TRAINING is NOT a Broker Dealer SMB Training engages in trader education and training SMB TRAINING offers a number of products and services, both electronical over the internet through smbtraining and in person SMB TRAINING also offers web-based, interactive training courses on demand.2 The seminars given by SMB TRAINING are for educational purposes only This information neither is, nor should be construed, as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell securities You shall be fully responsible for any investment decision you make, and such decisions will be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.3 This material is being provided to you for educational purposes only No information presented constitutes a recommendation by SMB TRAINING or its affiliates to buy, sell or hold any security, financial product or instrument discussed therein or to engage in any specific investment strategy The co ntent neither is, nor should be construed as, an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy, sell, or hold any securities You are fully responsible for any investment decisions you make Such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances Such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance and liquidity needs.4 SMB Training and SMB Capital Management, LLC are separate but affiliated companies.5 No relevant positions.6 Please note Hypothetical computer simulated performance results are believed to be accurately presented However, they are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and are subject to change without any notice Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading Since, also, the trades have not actually been executed the results may have been un der or over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as liquidity, slippage and commissions Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight No representation is being made that any portfolio will, or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown All investments and trades carry risks. Directional Trend Strategy. The Directional Trend Strategy is based on the Directional Trend Index study by William Blau Signals generated in the study are used to trigger automatic trades This automated trading strategy was created to demonstrate the mechanics of an automatic trade and is not intended for actual use A more comprehensive strategy that may include multiple studies, margins and stops could be developed This strategy definition is further expressed in the code given in the calculation below. How To Trade using the automatic Directional Trend Strategy. Examine the details of the Direc tional Trend Index study see link above Use the strategy optimiser and back testing to aid in the selection of the period lengths and guide values Open the strategy and configure the inputs for General, Display, Trading Options, Panel and Signals Activate the strategy. How To Access in MotiveWave. Go to the top menu, choose Strategies William Blau Directional Trend Strategy. or go to the top menu, choose Add Study start typing in this study name until you see it appear in the list, click on the study name, click OK. Important Disclaimer The information provided on this page is strictly for informational purposes and is not to be construed as advice or solicitation to buy or sell any security Please see our Risk Disclosure and Performance Disclaimer Statement. Advantages of ForexBrokerInc.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Do o, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. ForexBrokerInc combines the unique functions of the MT4 with a fully synchronized Webtrader and Mobile Platform Application which will make sure that the markets are accessible at any remote location and from any type of personal computer Our unique offering allows both PC and Mac users to reach out to the forex market through Forexbrokerinc. All our forex trading platforms are 100 synchronized meaning that orders opened by any of the 3 platforms can also be closed, adjusted or modified by any of the 3 platforms regardless if they were opened by a different platform from the one used to open the order. Both Demo and Real Environment. All 3 platforms offered at Forexbrokerinc are available to both real and demo account holders which can use one login and one password to use all trading facilities including all trading platforms and the members area where all trading activities can be performed. Getting started with your first Trading Account.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated prof essional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. Christmas and New Year Holidays Trading Hours.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 ba sis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding For ex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. Advantages of ForexBrokerInc.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software pro vided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. PROCEDURES FOR RESOLVING CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS AND CUSTOMER COMPLAINT FORM. Definition of a Complaint. Under the complaint handling rules, Forex Broker Inc Noble Servives Ltd , Ltd hereinafter called the Company must deal with any expression of dissatisfaction about any financial services activity provided or withheld by the Company Complaints should be in writing on the specified form provided, below, by the Company We consider it important that we deal properly with any reasonable complaint made by a customer, whatever the subject matter of the complaint. The Compliance Officer will deal with the customer complaints unless in cases where there might be a conflict of interest in which case the Chief Operations Officer will deal with such a complaint. Any complaint received will be forwarded to the Compliance Officer within 48 hours. A written acknowledgment will be sent wit hin 48 hours to the complainant confirming name and job title of the person dealing with the complaint, together with details of the Company complaint handling procedures. Within 4 weeks of receipt the Company will send the complainant a Final Response or a Holding response, which will explain why it is not yet in a position to resolve the complaint and give an indication of when further contact will be made This must be within 8 weeks of receipt. Within 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint, the Company will send the complainant either. a A Final Response. b A response which explains why a final response cannot be given with an explanation as to why and an indication of when we anticipate on providing a final response. Upon sending the final respond to the complainant the customer will have 2 weeks to respond. If a response is not received within 2 weeks then the Company is not obliged to take the complaint further unless further correspondence is received from the client indicating that they are still dissatisfiedplaints must be filed in written to complaintsforexbrokerinc. If the deposit currency is not USD, the amount indicated should be converted to the deposit currency. It is investors responsibility to maintain a prudent level of margin, pay their margin and also meet margin call payments on time and in cleared funds Please keep in mind the possibility of delays in the banking and payments systems If your payment is not credited by the time you are required to have the necessary margin or meet the margin call, you could lose some, or all of your positions. The leverage is a loan that is provided to an investor by the broker The ratio can be 1 1 - 1 500 If you deposit 10000 in your trading account and you want to trade with a leverage of 1 500, the mathematics is 500 10000 5000000 The leverage provides the means for an investor to have an increased trading capital, giving the opportunity of a maximized outcome. Below, you will find the maximum available leverage we offer, depending on the account equity. We provide the newest best forex brokers information to forex traders and help all the traders understand the reliable, the suitable, the best forex bro kers and the rankings, ratings, listing, the evaluation, the reviews and the comparison of the best forex brokers Our aim is to find out the top best forex brokers to meet our forex traders needs Show them forex broker review and forex brokers comparison. Recommended funding methods. Skrill - Moneybookers Features. Instant deposits and withdrawals. Accepted by virtually most of online forex brokers. Exclusive bonuses for Moneybookers customers. Send money globally with lowest fee. Instant access to funds with the Moneybookers Prepaid MasterCard. Benefit from customer support in 12 languages, 24 7 support. Though online forex trading has grown massively in recent years, there are still many complicated and often frustrating deposit and withdrawal facilities available at online forex brokers Like it or not, if you intend to play real money, you ll have to make a deposit. With the FREE Skrill Digital Wallet, you can upload and withdraw funds to your forex account instantly with only your email addr ess and password Uploading money into your Skrill-Moneybookers account won t cost you a dime if you use a bank transfer And there is only a small flat fee per withdrawal. Skrill-Moneybookers Review Evaluation. With direct processing and instant payment notifications, excellent customer support and along with zero setup fees or monthly minimums, Skrill Moneybookers is second to none And when you want to spend some of those winnings, you ll find Skrill Moneybookers accepted by 100,000 outlets online. As we are trading forex, in our opinion Skrill Moneybookers is the best option as Online Wallet, Personal online payment, Internet wallet, Ideal payments partner, Digital wallet account. Forex Brokers List We have compared hundreds of forex brokers And selected the best forex brokers for your online currency trading The forex brokers we opened accounts are NordFX, EXNESS, FXOpen, InstaForex, AcyfxAsia, XM markets Trading Point, FBS, BFS forex, ICMarkets, Forex-Metal, WelTrade SystemForex, Market iva, HotForex, ThinkForex, PepperStone, ForexCT, CMC markets, kvbkunlun, AxiTrader, Forex dot com, Forex Club, FXDD, eToro, ILQ Tadawul FX, GoMarkets, FXClearing, RFXT, UBEforex, RoboForex, FXPrimus, CFX GROUP, IronFX, LiteForex, CityWealth, MasterForex, Alpari-Forex, Plus500,IBFX, FXCC, AAAFx, DeltaStock, Windsor Brokers, ODL Securities Limited, FxPro, FXCBS, Dukascopy, FXCM, PFG, AvaFx, FINFX, Varengold, Varengold, Vantage, Nord Markets, Eforex, ForexYard, IamFX, Baron, Gallant FX, etc For these forex brokers Opening account in 5 minutes Deposit and withdrawal methods include Skrill - Moneybookers PayPal, LibertyReserve LR , Credit Card Visa Card, Master Card , Wire transfer, AlertPay, Perfect Money, WebMoney WMZ , Neteller, c-gold, cashU, Union Pay, RBK Money The forex broker review and forex brokers comparison list are on the right. Recommended Forex Brokers NordFX, EXNESS, InstaForex, FXOpen. Forex investment is currency trading There are many online forex brokers We compare forex b rokers and find best forex platform and best fx broker for you In forex broker comparison, top forex brokers are in the list. You are searching for Best Forex Brokers, Forex Broker Evaluation, Forex Broker Recommendation, Liberty Reserve Forex Broker, Forex Account Opening, Low Spread Forex Broker, Bonus Forex Broker, Minimum Deposit Forex Broker, Metatrader Forex Broker, Forex Broker Ranking, FX Broker Comparison, PayPal Forex Broker, MT4 Forex Broker, ECN Forex Broker, Forex Broker with fixed 1 spread, Automatic Withdrawal Forex About Us. Forex - Foreign Exchange Market. The foreign exchange market, also known as the forex market, allows traders to profit from currency movements in real time The foreign exchange is an interbank market that is open 24h day, 5 days a week. The forex market is very liquid over 5 5 trillion dollars are traded every day between various traders and financial institutions The most traded currency pair is the euro dollar EUR USD , which represents 28 of all trad es. Online forex trading has been available to individual traders since the 1990s The number of online brokers has risen sharply in recent years and choosing a broker has therefore become increasingly complicated However, strong competition between brokers and dealers has significantly improved trading conditions as well as the services that are available to traders. Currently, it is possible to invest, with just one click, in all of the financial markets with a single trading platform Spot forex and contracts for differences CFDs allow you to invest in currencies, commodities, oil, precious metals, stocks and stock indexes Thanks to the leverage which forex margin accounts provide, the initial capital required to open an account is not very high Nevertheless, these types of accounts are not without risk, as leverage increases potential profits, but losses as well. Forex-Central was created to advise and train investors who want to diversify their investments in the financial markets and the forex market On this site, you will find articles to learn about forex trading, real time news, as well as free and personalised advice so that you can more effectively train yourself to become a forex trader To facilitate your search and selection of a trading platform, our forex broker comparison chart provides a selection of the best brokers offering brokerage services worldwide. Warning - Forex Trading Risks. Forex trading and CFD trading can be extremely lucrative - but risky - since transactions can very quickly generate profits or losses Only invest what you can afford to lose.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble S ervices LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. WAYS TO START TRADING. Once you have registered a real account at ForexBrokerInc you can fund your account via the secure members area Simply choose your preferred method and complete the required information. ForexBrokerInc accepts deposits via Neteller Neteller is an easy and convenient method of depositing funds. Select Neteller as your withdrawal option and sign-in to your online account to complete a safe and quick depositeller deposits are instant. VALIDATE YOUR ACCOUNT. To start trading, your account must be validated To do so, please login to our members section to upload the documents we require or you can directly email them to backofficeforexbrokerinc. If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time Our Backoffice Representatives can assist you with all of your queries Email us at backofficeforexbrokerinc for all of your depositing, withdrawal and account questions.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. How to withdraw by Credit Card. Forex Broker Inc accepts withdrawals from trading accounts by credit cards Visa, MasterCard and Visa Electron. Trading account holders must be logged in to be able to withdraw Be informed that withdrawals by credit cards can only be processed to the exact same card used to deposit at Forex Broker Inc The maximum amount that can be sent is the amount of deposit Profits or amounts in excess of the deposit amount can only be processed by Wire Transfer Please note that Credit Card Withdrawals take 3-5 days to be processed. Minimum Withdrawal Amount through Credit Card is 10 USD. How to withdraw by Wire Transfer. Existing account holders mu st log in to the members area and select Withdraw Funds Wire Transfer Upon clicking, a secure withdrawal form will open where existing account holders can enter their Wire Transfer details Please note that Wire Transfer takes 3-5 days to be processed. Minimum Withdrawal Amount through Wire Transfer is 100 USD. How to withdraw by Netellereller gives you a free way to quickly withdraw your money Select Neteller as your withdrawal option and sign-in to your online account to access your money. Requests for withdrawals are instant Be informed that withdrawals can only be processed by Neteller, equal to the deposited amount Profits or amounts in excess of the deposit amount needs to be more than 100 USD. Upon any withdrawal request, the equivalent bonus amount will be removed with the exception that if the Client is removing 100 of their balance, 100 of the bonus will be removed Upon any withdrawal request, the remaining credit cannot exceed the current balance. A withdrawal can only be processe d for clients who have uploaded their supporting documents and complied with our KYC Procedures. We do not charge a fee for Wire Transfer withdrawals if the withdrawal is above 500 and the client has completed 2 standard lots. For Credit Card withdrawals, the following charges apply if the client has not completed 2 standard lots. Withdrawal amount up to 499 - 10 Fee. Withdrawal amount 500 and above - 20 Fee. There are many forex brokers or providers, and unlike other types of trading, there is no one centralised market Instead there are thousands of forex brokers, or market makers as theyre also called, who set their own currency prices and spreads. But because the market is competitive, theres usually not a large enough difference in prices and spreads between different brokers to practice arbitrage But every forex broker is slightly different, and you should check that the broker that youre looking at will give you a good deal.1 Margin provided usually 1-4.2 Their spreads for the currenci es youll be trading the EURUSD will usually be 3-4 pips.3 Amount of funds required to start an account.4 Any fees for small trade sizes many dont charge fees for smaller trade sizes, but some do.5 Any other fees there will be rollover fees for positions held overnight with any provider, which are usually small, though the details of this fee can vary.6 Whether the broker automatically closes your position if the position goes against you by the entire value of your account not used as margin for that trade not that youre likely to face this situation if you follow system rules, but just in case it does.7 What their charting package and forex trading platform is like.8 Whether the trading platform provide a demo account for you to practice on.9 How established the company is, and any problems within the company of course this may be difficult to find out until after the event. Forex Trading Platforms. Forex brokers will provide you with an online trading platform either downloaded to your computer and requiring you to log in with them when you trade, or as a totally online interface. The best way to see if the platform is adequate is to run their demo account to see if you can do all of your trading tasks on their platform. Youll be looking at the currency charts applying your system rules and indicators to assess the currencies youre looking at, placing orders of various types for the spot forex market market orders, stop orders and limit orders , and viewing your account details including your leveraged float available for trading. Most providers will provide forex charts as a part of their online trading platforms However the quality of the charting packages may vary, so check that you can do essential things such as drawing lines, writing notes, and plotting indicators That is, whatever you need to do to trade the system, and this does vary from system to system Many forex charts will be able to do all this, but sometimes they are not Some providers have up to 2-3 lev els of charting available, but one level is free. Whether you need to upgrade will depend on the indicators you need to draw for your system So try their demo accounts out to be able to tell. Explanation Of Rollover Fee. If you hold forex positions overnight, there is what is called the rollover fee. This is an amount that you may either receive or pay If you buy a currency pair where the base currency has a higher interest rate than the terms currency, then youll receive interest, and vice versa Usually this is a small amount when compared to the pip gains and losses from a system, and is not a significant factor One difference with some brokers is that you may need to have say 2 margin instead of 1 , before the amounts are paid to you. I have been with them for about a year They are excellent non Scam broker I also am a MAM with them I just won the Free Roll contest and am extremely pleased They always get right back to me quickly, never a withdrawal delay etc I know I sound like I work for them but I don t Just very happy customer.29th of January. Ravindran Srinivasan, USA. Great company so far I have been working with forexbrokerinc since 6 months, they are very helpful Their customer service is very personalize They are always ready to help you anytime, best customer support I never had any problems with my deposits and withdrawals I would recommend this broker to all. It is almost two years that I am trading with this broker They have always performed my deposit and withdrawal in less than two hours Additionally you ll love their fast executions I have a very responsible account manager who is contacting me every couple of weeks and informing me the new promotions I highly recommend this broker Good Luck Friends. I would like to say that this is a very good broker I would recommend to everyone, especially if you are new because with there VIP promotions you can build your account Also they are very helpful and very responsive both over the phone and email Not to mention I really love their webinars because I find them very educational, its how I personally learned more about long term trading Overall I am very satisfied with this broker and plan to stay for the long run Thanks Forex Broker INC. United States Dennis D. They have answered all my questions needed Response time for some reason has been almost immediately compared to other brokers I have traded with Entered my first Forex Tournament, placed 9th place, I was given my credit within 24 hrs I was stunned They have given me confidence to do business with them As of today Trading with FOREXBROKERINC. United States, Maurice P. SIRIX Forex Freeroll Tournament from Forexbrokerinc is one the best that i have engaged in I enjoyed myself, althoug h i didnt come out victorious, i did enjoyed trading with the company I will recommending anyone who want to trade with forex market to start with Forexbrokerinc.21st of September. Honest, reliable, good spreads Amazing customer service I trust my money with them I have been live trading with them for three months so far. This is a decent broker for newcomers to forex I was a bit worried at first since they re not really well known, but they were above my expectations. Customer service is almost always available at the designed time, and compared to other brokers, their slippage and mistakes are few and far between. Great service, The guy working with me on the other end named Kris was great Fast and efficient, everything was transferred to me although not the fastest, but to avoid the UNITED STATES BIG BROTHER, it still came. Kevin S Gouveia - Author, Blogger 2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. Banks, more often in the form of specialised FX brokers, have been offering private client access to the forex market for several years The number of international forex brokers is increasing steadily, while German banks rather refrain from this market and offer products only within the scope of their wealth management offering due to strict legal regulations The introduction of the trading platform MetaTrader 4 in 2005 has accelerated this process In addition to their own trading platform, almost all FX brokers will offer a branded version of MetaTrader with pre-configured currency pairs, IP addresses and other parameters. Apart from general selection criteria like the business conditions, a number of other boxes should be ticked when choosing a broker. The fact if and by which authority a broker is regulated can be a material selection crit erion when selecting a broker, however, sometimes this point is just overrated. Basically regulation is supposed to ensure that providers of financial services comply with a certain set of minimum standards and therefore, the applicable rules are rather generic and not necessarily adjusted to fit to retail forex brokers Also, those rules mostly focus on processes within the companies, like compliance with accounting standards, anti-money laundering laws or segregation of duties - trading conditions and handling of customers play a minor part Given the high number of companies working in the financial sector a continuous supervision is hardly possible, anyway. To evaluate the added value provided by regulation the regulation authority has to be taken into account While the American NFA fined forex brokers for discriminating customers and also ordered compensation payments this strict line of action can hardly be expected by regulation authorities of e g Mauritius The British FCA and the A ustralian ASIC on the other hand have a good reputation as well. Regulation can be crucial when a broker becomes insolvent - at least if a compensation scheme is in place - because in most cases the compensation scheme can only act if the responsible regulation authority had been supervising the respective broker and declares an event of default Without a compensation scheme regulation can only provide a limited protection if the broker ends up insolvent. Some countries have less strict regulatory requirements than demanded by American or European authorities, thus making the opening of a forex broker in those countries much easier The large number of these brokers are rather financial service providers than banks, for this reason political rescue operations - as usually well-covered by the media for banks - should not be expected if things go wrong If the broker goes bust, you will lose all your money. But the location is also important for other reasons If for example German speaking cu stomer support is required, only FX brokers having at least a German branch office with adequate assistance should be selected. A FX broker earns money primarily through spreads, the difference between purchase price bid and selling price ask Usually the spread is quoted in pips and relates to the 4th decimal place of the exchange rate A price quotation of EUR USD bid 1 2762 ask 1 2765 means that the broker is prepared to sell 1 EUR at price of USD 1 2765, but he would pay for 1 EUR only for USD 1 2762 In this case the spread amounts to 3 pips. Most FX brokers work with variable spreads which sometimes change within seconds depending on the trading activity so that prices can be adapted according to the market situation Some brokers offer very low variable spreads, but will in return charge a fixed commission on each traded position Other types of brokers use fixed spreads which means that the spread will remain unchanged irrespective of the market situation, however, you may risk that t hese brokers do not quote a price during extremely volatile market periods. Myfxbook provides a good summary of the live spreads offered by a number of different FX brokers Please note that the spreads listed in the ranking are usually the best available spreads offered by the FX broker, but these spreads may be limited to certain types of accounts Also any commissions if applicable are not included. Market Maker vs ECN. FX brokers can be grouped into three categories Market makers, ECN Electronic Communication Networks , and STP Straight Through Processing. Market makers keep their own dealing desk and quote prices at their discretion, strong competition usually leads to very narrow spreads Upon completing the transaction with the client they will attempt to close this position towards the market, smaller positions may be accumulated or kept open As long as a market maker has not closed a position with a client, a conflict of interest will persist, since the client s profit will cause a l oss to the broker There is a clear risk that the market maker may abuse his position and quote inferior rates on purpose so that take profit limits will not be reached or that stop loss limits will be triggered It is safe to assume that a market maker will move the rate for approx 10-15 pips at his own discretion Due to the nature of their trading strategy, Scalpers are the natural enemies of market makers, sometimes dedicated members of staff will take care of them Since the market maker decides about the rate quotation, he will rarely re-quote. ECNs are rather intermediaries, they do not quote their own prices, but just display the rates of other market participants in their network Typically, these market participants are major banks or, or possibly also market makers The functioning of an ECN is to guarantee the offer of the best rate available, their spreads will be considerably narrower than with other brokers No conflict of interest will occur, as the ECN never trades against a c lient and passes on the transaction to another market participant simultaneously However, ECNs will charge a commission for each traded position as compensation for their services as intermediary, they often demand minimum deposits and also may require minimum contract sizes. Originally STPs were mainly market makers providing their own rates But other than market makers, before accepting an order they will decide whether to take an order in their own books or to forward it to the market This is to pass the risk of winning trades from a customer s point of view on to the market and to take the opposite position in case of loosing trades equally from a customer s point of view Frequently rates quoted by market makers at their discretion do not reflect the market situation If it is decided to relay the order to the market, rates will be requoted on a regular basis due to the small exchange rate deviations Recently many STP brokers have reduced their dealing desks, thus moving in their nat ure closer to ECN brokers. Most brokers will offer online account opening A proof of identity, a copy of a recent account statement or a bill has to be uploaded to the broker s website or needs to be forwarded by email to the account management for the account activation The Post-Ident-procedure is popular in Germany, a postal worker will register the personal data of the client and confirm his identity to the broker The account opening is usually completed with 24-48 hours depending on the broker s location. Full technical analysis with over 50 indicators and charting package. History database management, and historic data export import. Guarantees full data back-up and security. Internal mailing system. The MetaTrader platform was created by the MetaQuotes Software Corporation MetaQuotes started making financial platforms in the year 2000 when it released the FX Charts trading platform After the initial success of this platform, MetaQuotes then created a new platform to handle not only for ex transactions but also CFD Contracts For Difference trading The new platform included an integrated programming language called MQL1.The MetaTrader generation of platforms started a year later, adding futures trading to the possibilities and using an improved integrated programming language, MQL2 After intermediate releases of MetaTrader, including MetaTrader for mobile platforms and for Palm, the company brought out MetaTrader 4 in 2005, with MQL4 IDE, a trading strategy development environment that enhanced the capabilities of the platform for automated trading programs. Why is MetaTrader a popular platform. Traders and investors using the MetaTrader interface can see real time information on the ask and bid prices of currency pairs that are of interest to them The MetaTrader screen displays graphical charts that show how prices are developing so that traders can identify patterns to make trades. Traders can also automate certain actions using scripts These are simple instructions tha t can be stored and applied to the MetaTrader software to save traders time and effort An example might be to set stop loss orders to 15 open positions for trading a particular currency Instead of manually setting this order for each position, a trader can apply a script that automatically does this Many of the actions available to traders in the MetaTrader interface can be accomplished using the same drag and drop possibilities as for other kinds of software For example, to apply the script above, a trader would drag the script from its directory on the MetaTrader screen and drop it onto the area containing the 15 open trades. The MetaTrader interface is equipped with a number of different indicators for technical analysis The standard indicators are based on techniques involving moving averages, price oscillators, retracement levels and breakout points As a trader, youll find tools like MACD, Parabolic SAR, Pivots, Stochastic Oscillator and RSI and CCI standard indicators Traders can also customize these indicators to build specific ones for their own use. Extended MetaTrader functionality. Besides the possibilities of scripts to execute an action just once, MetaTrader also offers Expert Advisors EAs to manage positions and to give orders without manual intervention EAs extend the possibilities of automatic trading and allow traders to define more complex strategies that can be applied when market conditions trigger the intervention of the EA The MetaTrader client software is provided with examples of EAs that traders can also use or modify for their own trading requirements The platform also allows for even more sophisticated programming by making available an application programming interface API. MetaTrader platform licensing. MetaQuotes licenses its MetaTrader platform to financial institutions and organizations, including forex brokers Brokers then have the right to distribute the MetaTrader client interface free of charge to their own clients They can also add to the scripts, indicators and Expert Advisors to add value to the platform for their own commercial advantage in attracting new investors and maintaining the loyalty of existing ones. MetaTrader user and developer groups. In parallel with the popularity of the platform, a MetaTrader community has arisen composed of MetaTrader users and developers Traders wishing to implement different scripts or Expert Advisors may find that the script in question has already been written and made available by another member of the community. The MetaTrader trading interface is a popular application that traders can run on their own PCs to manage their trading in forex and other financial trading activities It is part of the software in the MetaTrader platform is developed by the MetaQuotes Corporation There are two major components of the platform. MetaTrader client this is the software interface that is installed on a traders PC and that communicates with the traders broker over the Internet Traders use t he MetaTrader client to predict developments in the market and in the exchange rates of currencies of interest to them, and to open and close positions online with their broker. MetaTrader server an application running on the brokers own IT system that receives and acts on orders from traders, sends information to traders via the MetaTrader client software and performs different administrative and management functions for the broker. MetaTrader trader interface functionalities. The main MetaTrader 4 terminal functionalities are Market Watch, Navigator, Chart Tools Terminal, Reading Activity Status and New Order Button. Market Watch window The Market Watch window on the upper left part of the screen displays the currency pairs available to you For each currency pair EUR USD for example , you can see the Bid Price what you can get for selling the currency pair and the Ask price what you have to pay if you want to buy. Navigator Window To see your accounts, technical indicators, custom indicat ors, expert advisors and scripts, you use the Navigator window These items are listed here and you can click on them to see more information To use a particular indicator on a forex chart, you can drag and drop the indicator directly into the forex chart The same method works for custom indicators, which are the technical indicators created by users outside the MetaQuotes Corporation, and for scripts, which you can drag onto a chart to perform a specific action. Terminal bar At the bottom of the screen is the terminal bar where youll find information on your performance for current and preceding trades You can see which trades are currently open, your account balance and your free margin You can also see a display of all the trades that are now closed News from your broker is displayed under the News tab or the Mailbox tab The Alerts tab lets you know when certain market conditions are met and you can define what those conditions are The Experts tab tells you about the Expert Advisor yo u are using if it made or closed a trade, if it is active or disabled. Chart Tools at the top of the screen the Chart Tools let you switch between different types of chart display bar charts, candlestick charts and line charts are all available New Order and New Chart buttons display windows for placing orders and for seeing a chart for a new currency pair, respectively. MetaTrader Scripts and Expert Advisors. A script is a MetaTrader file or command that only runs once It is a simple way of automating an action in the MetaTrader interface, such as setting a stop-loss order for a number of open positions, or systematically opening long and short positions for a particular financial instrument Scripts can save a trader considerable time and energy, and they can also help prevent errors due to inattention for example, opening two long positions, instead of one long and one short. Expert Advisors are more sophisticated They will run until you tell them to stop You can program them to take act ion when certain conditions in the market are met, so that they provide a means of automated trading Some financial institutions use the MetaTrader Expert Advisors to help them execute complex trading strategies Other traders use them to be able to carry on trading even if they are absent from their PC. What is the Forex Market. The forex market foreign exchange or currency trading market is both big enough and independent enough to resist being governed by any factor Different economic, political and psychological factors will influence it, but nothing will dominate it The law of supply and demand plays an important part When demand goes up for a particular currency for example, when investors believe that its value is set to increase or when supply goes down possibly because of government intervention , the price or exchange rate of that currency tends to go up as well Similarly, demand that goes down prospects for the currency are not considered to be good or supply that goes up a gov ernment printing more money both tend to depress the exchange rate of that currency. Opinions change the forex market. The forex market also responds to what people consider rather than know definitively to be the relative values of different currencies Forex traders in particular form their opinions in two ways Fundamental analysis and Technical analysis The first is analysis at a macro-economic level The laws of economics exist and can be applied Fundamental analysis is also a matter of experience and judgment in assessing for example how developments in countering inflation in a countrys economy will affect the exchange rate of its currency The second, technical analysis, is analysis at a micro-economic level, taking into account only the past activity and trend of a currencys exchange rate in order to model and predict what will happen in the future. Fundamental analysis for forex market economics. Forex market fundamental analysis uses a range of different sources of information that may be official or unofficial to understand and forecast forex market trends Many of the sectors of economic activity in the world are correlated with different currencies The oil industry, for example is currently a leading indicator for the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar compared to that of the US dollar When the price of oil goes up, the US dollar loses in its rate of exchange weakens compared to other currencies, because the US is heavily dependent on imported oil Higher oil import costs have a negative effect on the US economy, which is then translated into a weaker US dollar On the other hand, oil is Canadas main export, with Canada currently ranking number six in the world in terms of greatest oil production Oil prices going up mean more money flowing into the Canadian economy and a stronger Canadian dollar. Technical analysis for forex market patterns. In the forex market technical analysis, the approach is different, not only in what information is used, but also how it is used Technical analysis only takes into account the previous exchange rate history of a currency, or in other words the way the price has changed with time For this reason, technical analysis makes considerable use of graphs that plot the changes as a line moving up or down from left to right A wide variety of mathematical tools exist that analyse what has happened and predict what will happen to the line on the graph These tools may be more or less complex to apply, although using a software application on a PC gives immediate results on a continuing basis, such as minute by minute The result must then be correctly interpreted for the best chance of predicting a trend or a future currency rate Often, tools are defined with certain limit points for the results to help a trader make a forex trading decision according to whether the result is over or under the indicated limit These tools can help a trader spot trends earlier or confirm that a trend is indeed underway, but they cannot do both Traders often use a selection of tools that best meet their trading style and strategy, and compare results from the different tools to see if they all agree. Forex market psychology. While it is possible to trade in the forex market using only fundamental or only technical analysis a combination of the two may yield the most profitable trading results Traders who are also aware of the psychological aspects of the market have an extra advantage Forex market psychology can be seen in diverse situations, ranging from subdued reaction to economic news to panic buying or selling of particular currencies An example of a more controlled reaction to economic news is a so-called flight to safety movement in the market This is when an economic situation suggests that investing in a safe haven currency such as the US dollar because of underlying economic strength or the Australian dollar because of its strong correlation with gold a safe haven commodity , will bring better results than riski ng investment in more volatile currencies. Intervention in the forex market. Panic buying or selling of a currency in the forex market may be triggered by news released by a country or a region, but is fuelled by other traders following the movement of the first traders The extent to which a currency can move either up or down will be determined by the economic and political situation of the country concerned, the influence of the country in the global economy and the emotions of forex market traders fear, doubt, optimism and so on Governments can influence the exchange rate of their currency by using measures such as changes in central bank interest rates In extreme cases, a government may intervene to stabilize an exchange rate by buying back its own currency to increase demand, or by temporarily fixing the exchange rate of its currency.2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc. The website forexbrokerinc is operated by Gridley Enterprises SA a company incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Isla nds with registered address at Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake, Majuro, Marshall Islands and incorporation number 696l5 Payment services are operated by Delinus Doo, PODGORICA Cetinjski, put bb 81000, Podgorica, Montenegro as well as from UK company Global Noble Services LLP with registered address at Suite 15, 254 Belsize Road, London, United Kingdom NW6 4BT and company number OC394808.Our well educated professional client support team is available on a 24 7 basis to assist you in any technical problems that may occur or to answer your inquiries regarding Forex Broker Inc and its offered products. Any information and software provided by ForexBrokerInc is not intended to solicit citizens or residents of the US for the purpose of financial trading. There are several responsibilities and duties associated with being a Forex broker Lets start with a quick explanation of exactly what we are talking about when we use the word Forex and relationship to a broker That word basically represents foreign exchange trading Brokers who are able to provide you with the tools an d services necessary to successfully trade currencies are generally referred to as Forex brokers. Very few people realize just how much responsibility goes along with being this type of broker Not only is her fiduciary duty under custodial duty to safeguard the funds of people who deposit their money into brokerage, but its also important that a Forex broker provide customers with information that they can use to make more profitable trades Lets be clear about something not everybody is looking for Forex trading systems when it comes to foreign exchange trading Some people are what is usually referred to as self-directed traders who dont really need any hand holding. You may be wondering whether or not it is typical to be able to visit a Forex broker in person In other words, are we really talking about an office that is likely to be located somewhere near where you live More often than not, a Forex broker is somebody who you will interact with over the telephone or on the Internet Needless to say, the mainstream investment world generally doesnt pay too much attention to the world of foreign exchange trading For example, most of the popular television programs to focus on the financial markets have a tendency to focus on the equity markets certainly not the currency markets. As a result, its not very common for you to be able to walk in to physically sit down with a Forex broker who can answer your questions Instead, you are more likely to find yourself in a situation where you will be interacting with one of these brokers online or over the phone In broader sense, the term Forex broker also refers to the companies that act as broker dealers In other words, its not necessarily just an individual that we are referring to here, its also the companies that handle these types of transactions. Something that has changed in the past 10 years is the prevalence of the Internet Nowadays, it is more common th an ever before for people to get a lot of their foreign exchange trading advice and information online This is not to suggest that there is no longer a role for human Forex brokers to play in the marketplace In fact, some people would argue that their level of expertise and knowledge is more important than ever especially for those who are brand-new to the world of foreign exchange trading. However, youll be pleasantly surprised to discover just how much information you can find on your own online that will help you become a very good currency trader Your relationship with a Forex broker is likely to revolve around the fiduciary and custodial aspects of what they do as well as through the use of the trading platforms they provide. Trading Signals Technical Analysis. Following Forex signals is a very popular way to take advantage of years of knowledge and experience of the expert traders analysts boosting by that way the percentage of your profitable trades A forex signal is nothing else t han a hint to the trader to open a buy or sell position on a trading instrument at a given price and closing it when a certain goal price is achieved. Usually, the signals are result of technical indicators in combination of technical analysis that can identify the trend of the market, its course and its turning point As a result the traders that follow the forex signals enter the market at that price, without doubting or searching extra information sources that will give answers to the questions when, if or even how to open or close a trading position. Success in trading depends on one s ability to risk their money only on high probability trades In this book Dr Samir Elias, author of Generate Thousands in Cash on Your Stocks Before Buying or Selling Them, distills his years of trading experience into the most explosive stock trading strategies that can deliver substantial profits when used live in the market. Learn how to anticipate a stock s coming move trading price bar sequences and signal price bars resulting in quick profits in short time frames Become familiar with uncommon chart patterns that can deliver exceptional profits but are missed by most traders Time breakouts from tight consolidation patterns, and distinguish between ordinary price spikes and extraordinary tradable spikes that often are followed by an explosive price increase Use the channel width between two selected technical indicators, with a third as a trigger, to time entry into a falling knife stock just before reversal for big profits Learn how to use reverse price swings to anticipate a stock s reversal and time your exit while most of the profits are still intact Recognize the three special chart patterns at earnings time that can foretell a multi month monster advance Combine fundamental criteria with technical chart patterns using the RESHE system to identify coming market leaders before they are noticed by big money and much more. Each trading method is supported by a well defined low ri sk entry point and a clear exit strategy to protect profits. Abbreviated Table of Contents. Chapter 1 Explosive volume based breakouts. Chapter 2 Explosive Consolidation pattern breakouts. Chapter 3 Explosive profits using divergent signals. Chapter 4 Explosive chart patterns. Chapter 5 Explosive profits trading momentum shifts. Chapter 6 Explosive profits trading signal price bars. Chapter 7 Explosive profits from small price bars.2011-09-12 386MB 14 9.2011-09-12 386MB 6 9.Explosive stock trading strategies free download. Stockbroker choose stock trading company salary most profitable free ever System v cygni of how to make money activities de forex trading Deposit binary a straight software does asian options Basics trading binary overwhelmed download kindle free demo Safe binary options hamish raw download and signalpush tradesize your. 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Stocks how to ebay usa turbo lister rapid trades Ameritrade and intermarket analysis device free traders forum option traders forum Second www club com with professional whe n views system pdf That menu hour binary option trading format kindle reading app magnet Financial binary chicago identify the xms is the stock broker gift strat Procedure in market best trading focuses binary option trading Asian options signals with franco crystaldiffract latest user you want Signalpush tradesize your blacklist binary options. Day-Trading Margin Requirements Know the Rules. We issued this investor guidance to provide some basic information about day trading margin requirements and to respond to frequently asked questions We also encourage you to read our Notice to Members and Federal Register notice about the rules. Summary of the Day-Trading Margin Requirements. The rules adopt the term pattern day trader, which includes any margin customer that day trades buys then sells or sells short then buys the same security on the same day four or more times in five business days, provided the number of day trades are more than six percent of the customer s total trading activity for that same five-day period Under the rules, a pattern day trader must maintain minimum equity of 25,000 on any day that the customer day trades The required minimum equity must be in the account prior to any day-trading activities If the account falls below the 25,000 requirement, the pattern day trader will not be permitted to day trade until the account is restored to the 25,000 minimum equity level. The rules permit a pattern day trader to trade up to four times the maintenance margin excess in the account as of the close of business of the previous day If a pattern day trader exceeds the day-trading buying power limitation, the firm will issue a day-trading margin call to the pattern day trader The pattern day trader will then have, at most, five business days to deposit funds to meet this day-trading margin call Until the margin call is met, the day-trading account will be restricted to day-trading buying power of only two times maintenance margin excess based on the customer s daily total trading commitment If the day-trading margin call is not met by the fifth business day, the account will be further restricted to trading only on a cash available basis for 90 days or until the call is met. In addition, the rules require that any funds used to meet the day-trading minimum equity requirement or to meet any day-trading margin calls remain in the pattern day trader s account for two business days following the close of business on any day when the deposit is required The rules also prohibit the use of cross-guarantees to meet any of the day-trading margin requirements. Frequently Asked Questions. The primary purpose of the day-trading margin rules is to require that certain levels of equity be deposited and maintained in day-trading accounts, and that these levels be sufficient to support the risks associated with day-trading activities It was determined that the prior day-trading margin rules did not adequately address the risks inherent in certain patterns of day trading and had encouraged practices, such as the use of cross-guarantees, that did not require customers to demonstrate actual financial ability to engage in day trading. Most margin requirements are calculated based on a customer s securities positions at the end of the trading day A customer who only day trades does not have a security position at the end of the day upon which a margin calculation would otherwise result in a margin call Nevertheless, the same customer has generated financial risk throughout the day The day-trading margin rules address this risk by imposing a margin requirement for day trading that is calculated based on a day trader s largest open position in dollars during the day, rather than on his or her open positions at the end of the day. Were investors given an opportunity to comment on the rules. The rules were approved by the NASD Regulation Board of Directors and then filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC On February 18, 2000, the SEC pub lished NASD s proposed rules for comment in the Federal Register The SEC also published for comment substantially similar rule changes that were proposed by the New York Stock Exchange NYSE The SEC received over 250 comment letters in response to the publication of these rule changes Both the NASD and NYSE filed with the SEC written responses to these comment letters On February 27, 2001, the SEC approved both the NASD and NYSE day-trading margin rules As noted above, the NASD rules became operational on September 28, 2001.What is a day trade. Day trading refers to buying then selling or selling short then buying the same security on the same day Just purchasing a security, without selling it later that same day, would not be considered a day trade. Does the rule affect short sales. As with current margin rules, all short sales must be done in a margin account If you sell short and then buy to cover on the same day, it is considered a day trade. Does the rule apply to day-trading options. Y es The day-trading margin rule applies to day trading in any security, including options. What is a pattern day trader. You will be considered a pattern day trader if you trade four or more times in five business days and your day-trading activities are greater than six percent of your total trading activity for that same five-day period. Your brokerage firm also may designate you as a pattern day trader if it knows or has a reasonable basis to believe that you are a pattern day trader For example, if the firm provided day-trading training to you before opening your account, it could designate you as a pattern day trader. Would I still be considered a pattern day trader if I engage in four or more day trades in one week, then refrain from day trading the next week. In general, once your account has been coded as a pattern day trader, the firm will continue to regard you as a pattern day trader even if you do not day trade for a five-day period This is because the firm will have a reasonable belief that you are a pattern day trader based on your prior trading activities However, we understand that you may change your trading strategy You should contact your firm if you have decided to reduce or cease your day trading activities to discuss the appropriate coding of your account. Day-Trading Minimum Equity Requirement. What is the minimum equity requirement for a pattern day trader. The minimum equity requirements on any day in which you trade is 25,000 The required 25,000 must be deposited in the account prior to any day-trading activities and must be maintained at all times. Why is the minimum equity requirement for pattern day traders higher than the current minimum equity requirement of 2,000.The minimum equity requirement of 2,000 was established in 1974, before the technology existed to allow for electronic day trading by the retail investor As a result, the 2,000 minimum equity requirement was not created to apply to day-trading activities Rather, the 2,000 minimum equit y requirement was developed for the buy-and-hold investor who retained securities collateral in his her account, where the securities collateral was and still is subject to a 25 percent regulatory maintenance margin requirement for long equity securities This collateral could be sold out if the securities declined substantially in value and were subject to a margin call The typical day trader, however, is flat at the end of the day i e he is neither long nor short securities Therefore, there is no collateral for the brokerage firm to sell out to meet margin requirements and collateral must be obtained by other means Accordingly, the higher minimum equity requirement for day trading provides the brokerage firm a cushion to meet any deficiencies in the account resulting from day trading. How was the 25,000 requirement determined. The credit arrangements for day-trading margin accounts involve two parties -- the brokerage firm processing the trades and the customer The brokerage firm is the lender and the customer is the borrower In determining whether the existing 2,000 minimum equity requirement was sufficient for the additional risks incurred with day trading, we obtained input from a number of brokerage firms, since these are the entities extending the credit The majority of firms felt that in order to take on the increased intra-day risk associated with day trading, they wanted a 25,000 cushion in each account in which day trading occurred In fact, firms are free to impose a higher equity requirement than the minimum specified in the rules, and many of them already had imposed a 25,000 requirement on day-trading accounts before the day-trading margin rules were revised. Does the 25,000 minimum equity requirement have to be 100 percent cash or could it be a combination of cash and securities. You can meet the 25,000 minimum equity requirement with a combination of cash and eligible securities. Can I cross-guarantee my accounts to meet the minimum equity requirement. No, you can t use a cross-guarantee to meet any of the day-trading margin requirements Each day-trading account is required to meet the minimum equity requirement independently, using only the financial resources available in the account. What happens if the equity in my account falls below the minimum equity requirement. If the account falls below the 25,000 requirement, you will not be permitted to day trade until you deposit cash or securities in the account to restore the account to the 25,000 minimum equity level. I m always flat at the end of the day Why do I have to fund my account at all Why can t I just trade stocks, have the brokerage firm mail me a check for my profits or, if I lose money, I ll mail the firm a check for my losses. This would in effect be a 100 percent loan to you to purchase equity securities It is saying you should be able to trade solely on the firm s money without putting up any of your own funds This type of activity is prohibited, as it would put your firm and indeed the U S securities industry at substantial risk. Why can t I leave my 25,000 in my bank. The money must be in the brokerage account because that is where the trading and risk is occurring These funds are required to support the risks associated with day-trading activities It is important to note that the Securities Investor Protection Corporation SIPC may protect up to 500,000 for each customer s securities account, with a limitation of 250,000 in claims for cash. What is my day-trading buying power under the rules. You can trade up to four times your maintenance margin excess as of the close of business of the previous day. It is important to note that your firm may impose a higher minimum equity requirement and or may restrict your trading to less than four times the day trader s maintenance margin excess You should contact your brokerage firm to obtain more information on whether it imposes more stringent margin requirements. What if I exceed my day-trading buying power. If you exce ed your day-trading buying power limitations, your brokerage firm will issue a day-trading margin call to you You will have, at most, five business days to deposit funds to meet this day-trading margin call Until the margin call is met, your day-trading account will be restricted to day-trading buying power of only two times maintenance margin excess based on your daily total trading commitment If the day-trading margin call is not met by the fifth business day, the account will be further restricted to trading only on a cash available basis for 90 days or until the call is met. Does this rule change apply to cash accounts. Day trading in a cash account is generally prohibited Day trades can occur in a cash account only to the extent the trades do not violate the free-riding prohibition of Federal Reserve Board s Regulation T In general, failing to pay for a security before you sell the security in a cash account violates the free-riding prohibition If you free-ride, your broker is requi red to place a 90-day freeze on the account. Does this rule apply only if I use leverage. No, the rule applies to all day trades, whether you use leverage margin or not For example, many options contracts require that you pay for the option in full As such, there is no leverage used to purchase the options Nonetheless, if you engage in numerous options transactions during the day you are still subject to intra-day risk You may not be able to realize the profit on the transaction that you had hoped for and may indeed incur substantial loss due to a pattern of day-trading options Again, the day-trading margin rule is designed to require that funds be in the account where the trading and risk is occurring. Can I withdraw funds that I use to meet the minimum equity requirement or day-trading margin call immediately after they are deposited. No, any funds used to meet the day-trading minimum equity requirement or to meet any day-trading margin calls must remain in your account for two business days following the close of business on any day when the deposit is required. The Better Volume Indicator. Updated Thursday 12 November 2015.The Better Volume indicator my secret to analyzing volume. The Better Volume indicator for TradeStation is free Just click the button below and download the zipped file Inside youll find the TradeStation ELD file, EasyLanguage code in Word format and versions for MultiCharts and ProRealTime Click this link for Better Volume for NinjaTrader. Most traders ignore volume Big mistake Big Huge. Volume has to be the most underrated market variable used in technical analysis But if you know how to analyze and interpret it, youll be able to see market turning points develop and anticipate pullbacks and trend changes. You can figure out whether the Professionals are buying or selling by analyzing. Volume transacted at the bid or the ask. High to low range of the bar, and. Average trade size. The Better Volume indicator improves on your typical volume histogram by col oring the bars based on 5 criteria. Volume Climax Up high volume, high range, up bars red. Volume Climax Down high volume, high range, down bars white. High Volume Churn high volume, low range bars green, PaintBar blue. Low Volume low volume bars yellow. Volume Climax plus High Volume Churn both the above conditions magenta. When there are no volume signals the default histogram bar coloring is cyan The Better Volume indicator also comes in a PaintBar version, so you can see the coloring on the price bars themselves. Better Volume Indicator Volume Climax Up. Better Volume Indicator Volume Climax Up Emini 5 min. Volume Climax Up bars are identified by multiplying buying volume transacted at the ask with range and then looking for the highest value in the last 20 bars default setting Volume Climax Up bars indicate large volume demand that results in bidding up prices The default setting is to color the bars red. Volume Climax Up bars are typically seen at. The start of up trends. The end of up trend s, and. Pullbacks during down trends. The beginning of an up trend is almost always marked by a Volume Climax Up bar This shows that the buyers are anxious to get on board and large volume enters the market and bids up prices quickly A valid breakout should be followed by more buying but occasionally the low of the Volume Climax Up bar is tested. Market tops are also characterized by Volume Climax Up bars often with High Volume Churn and or Low Volume test patterns Changes in trend usually take a while to develop, so dont be suckered in too soon wait for the market to become exhausted A useful signal to watch for is the Low Volume bar this shows that finally there is no demand and the market is likely to stop advancing. During a down trend, pullbacks are often characterized by Volume Climax Up bars These show short covering or traders calling a bottom too quickly As soon as this Climax volume declines the down trend is likely to resume Continuation of the down trend is confirmed when the l ow of the Volume Climax Up bar is taken out. Better Volume Indicator Volume Climax Down. Better Volume Indicator Volume Climax Down Emini 5 min. Volume Climax Down bars are essentially the inverse of Volume Climax Up bars. Volume Climax Down bars are identified by multiplying selling volume transacted at the bid with range and then looking for the highest value in the last 20 bars default setting Volume Climax Down bars indicate large volume supply that results in pushing down prices The default setting is to color the bars white. Volume Climax Down bars are typically seen at. The start of down trends. The end of down trends, and. Pullbacks during up trends. The beginning of a down trend is almost always marked by a Volume Climax Down bar This shows that the sellers are anxious to get on board and large volume enters the market and pushes down prices quickly A valid breakdown should be followed by more selling but occasionally the high of the Volume Climax Down bar is tested. Market bottoms are also characterized by Volume Climax Down bars often with High Volume Churn and or Low Volume test patterns Changes in trend usually take a while to develop, so dont be suckered in too soon wait for the market to become exhausted A useful signal to watch for is the Low Volume bar this shows that finally there is no supply and the market is likely to stop declining. During an up trend, pullbacks are often characterized by Volume Climax Down bars These show profit taking or traders calling a top too quickly As soon as this Climax volume declines the up trend is likely to resume Continuation of the up trend is confirmed when the high of the Volume Climax Down bar is taken out. Better Volume Indicator High Volume Churn. Better Volume Indicator High Volume Churn Emini 5 min. High Volume Churn bars are identified by dividing volume by the bars high to low range and then looking for the highest value in the last 20 bars default setting High Volume Churn bars indicate profit taking, new supply ente ring the market at tops or new demand entering the market at bottoms The default setting is to color the volume histogram bars green and the price PaintBars blue. High Volume Churn bars are typically seen at. The end of up trends. The end of down trends, and. Profit taking mid-trend. When Volume Churn is high it indicates demand is being met by new supply at tops or supply is being met by new demand at bottoms in effect, price is not able to advance as new supply or demand enters the market Hence the bars high to low range is low. Maybe one of my customers Neil F says it better than I can. I like to think of the High Volume Churn bars as brakes Its like hitting the brakes usually, the car will stop shortly thereafter 1-2 points , and then turn around At other times, however, the momentum is so great that all you get is a pause and then the market just continues going in the same direction Unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to tell which outcome will occur Then you just need common sense. Occa sionally Volume Climax up or down and High Volume Churn bars coincide and these bars are colored magenta. A word of caution with intra-day charts High Volume Churn often appears on the last bars of the trading day This does not necessarily represent a possible turning point, but is more likely just to be high volume from day traders closing out positions. Tape Reading Market Tactics by Humphrey B Neill 1931.And lastly a bit of history and a screenshot from Humphrey B Neills 1931 classic on reading the tape In this section he talks specifically about tops being marked by high volume and no progress high volume churn HT to John A for pointing me in the direction of this brilliant book Darn, and I thought Id coined the term. Better Volume Indicator Low Volume. Better Volume Indicator Low Volume Emini 5 min. Low Volume bars are identified by looking for the lowest volume in the last 20 bars default setting Low Volume bars indicate a lack of demand at tops or a lack of supply at bottoms The defa ult setting is to color the bars yellow. Low Volume bars are my favourite volume indicator signal They show what the amateurs are doing on tick charts They are also very useful confirming indicators of a change in trend direction when the market is testing a top or bottom. Better Volume Indicator TradeStation EasyLanguage Code. Better Volume Indicator EasyLanguage Code Snippet. A snippet of the TradeStation EasyLanguage code for the Better Volume indicator is shown above By default, intra-day charts use the UpTicks and DownTicks data available within TradeStation For daily, weekly or monthly charts an estimate of the buying and selling volume is calculated based on the bars open, high, low and close. Anyone using this website and the VIP Trading Club does so on the understanding that the contents are a description solely of John s trading decisions for his own accounts. Tramline Traders take no responsibility for the accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness of the information displayed The contents of this website and Alerts must not be construed as a guarantee of producing a profitable outcome for you. My past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Tramline Traders will take no responsibility for any losses or profits that may occur after using the information on this website or Alerts. Spread betting and futures trading are leveraged products They may not be suitable for everyone and can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved if you choose to engage in these activities. Tramline Traders is a division of Financial Trading Strategies Limited Company Number 7860109pany registered at 3 Radford Grove Lane, Nottingham NG7 5QB Tel 0115 978 6218.A forex trading system based on a genetic algorithm - Best Binary Options Brokers 2015 synthesismartialarts. 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To find a broker you can trust completely, is not as easy as it seems The Forex market operates around the world, and, unfortunately, there is no company that could regulate its activity So do not be lazy to check what is the basis of business broker, and what rules they offer at check-in. Do not forget that the work of the forex market - 5 days a week and, in fact, without interruption So pay attention to what software to manage your accounts free access at the time of bidding the broker offers to you Another important point is the customer support, the best option would be round the clock assistance. Forex brokers usually do not charge a fee or commission from your trading account Instead, they slightly increase the cost of the currency or the difference between buying and selling prices of currency pairs.4 The minimum lot size and expen se. The minimum amount of investment will also be an important factor. Forex trading concept - the shoulder, is the factor that determines the amount, which you can manage at your account. Perhaps, today, it will be the most important factors, when choosing a reliable broker, but should not be limited to these The main thing to take your time and carefully weigh the pros and cons. The page you were looking for could not be found. Disclaimer and Risk Warning Please read. Risk Warning Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the r isks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Disclaimer All information posted on this website is of our opinion and the opinion of our visitors, and may not reflect the truth Please use your own good judgment and seek advice from a qualified consultant, before believing and accepting any information posted on this website We also reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any post for any reason. Advertisements Warning Advertisement links are displayed throughout the site Some pages in the site may contain affiliate links for products These advertisements and or links do not reflect the opinion, endorsement, or concurrence of this website or affiliated parties The FPA s reviews are never influenced by advertising Some ads might contain potentially misleading and or unbalanced claims and information that may fail to disclose risks and other important considerations involved in speculative trading. Spamme rs be Warned If you spam the FPA s forums or reviews, we reserve the right to edit your post in any way we please to make fun of you By spamming us, you agree to any edits we make and to take no legal or other actions against the FPA or its associates for anything we do to or with your spam. ForexPeaceArmy All rights Reserved. Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA, and the FPA Shield Logo are all trademarks of the Forex Peace Army All rights reserved under US and international law. Forex Peace Army relies on banner advertising to keep it FREE for all You can help too - please consider disabling AdBlocker while browsing our site Thank you from our traders community. Picking Your First Broker. Let s face it, you can t start investing if you don t have a brokerage account As a young investor, selecting your ideal broker is often very different than it would be for older investors of the same experience level Choosing a broker isn t all that different from choosing a stock - it requires a lot o f careful contemplation, and not all brokers are right for all investors In this article, we give you tips on how to choose a broker that won t leave you broke. Things to Consider. Before you can choose a broker, you have to know who or what constitutes one There are two types of brokers out there those who deal directly with their clients regular brokers , and those who act as intermediaries between the client and a larger broker broker-resellers. Regular brokers typically are considered more reputable than broker-resellers That s not to say that all resellers are inherently bad, just that you need to check them out before you sign up with them Regular brokers, like Scottrade, ShareBuilder and Fidelity, are members of recognized organizations such as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority FINRA and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Breaking it down further, there are distinctions between full-service brokers and discount brokers As the name suggests, full-service broker s offer many more services to investors than discount brokers do, but these services don t come cheap With a full-service broker, much of the legwork is done by the broker, who provides the investor with more one-on-one advice as well as individualized suggestions and research. That s not to say that discount brokers leave much to be desired in the customer service department In fact, many discount brokers provide the option to solicit a broker for advice on a trade with your existing brokerage account The caveat to remember is that when you do execute that trade, you ll pay considerably more usually in execution fees after consulting an actual broker than you would with a regular online trade. For younger investors, discount brokers are probably the best bet Some people recommend full-service brokers for new investors but it s probably not financially feasible for a young person to go with a more expensive full-service broker Besides, today s online discount brokers are widely used and typically provide a vast array of tools for inexperienced investors who aren t sure about their next steps Plus, assuming you begin slowly, you ll learn a whole lot more about investing if you do some of the work yourself. Trade execution fees are important, but there are other brokerage fees to consider, as well If you re under 30, chances are you re limited by your budget When it comes to investing at this age, looking at the fees that might apply to you is essential to ensuring that you make the most of your investment dollar Here are some additional costs to consider. Most brokers have minimum balances for starting a brokerage account Typically, this number ranges between 500 and 1,000 with an online discount broker. While new investors might not want to open a margin account right away, it s something to think about for the future Margin accounts usually have higher minimum balance requirements than standard brokerage accounts It s also important to take a look at the interest that y our broker charges when you make a trade on margin. It s your money, but sometimes it s hard to get it out of your account That s because brokers sometimes charge fees to make a withdrawal, or they won t let you take any money out if it will drop your balance below the minimum Some accounts allow you to write checks from them, but those typically require a much higher minimum balance Make sure that you understand the rules involved in removing money from an account with your prospective brokerplicated Fee Structures. While most brokers have similar fee schedules, some brokers have complex fee structures that make it harder to sort out hidden fees This is particularly common among broker resellers who may use fee structure as a selling point to entice clients If you re looking at a broker that has an unusual fee structure, it s all the more important to make sure that the broker is legitimate, that it will look out for your best interests and that its fee structure will complement your in vesting style If the rates seem too good to be true, be sure to read carefully over your account agreement and fee summaries, where additional fees are likely to be hidden. Order book based trading. Order book based trading. I ve never really used the order book to trade off, but is there a basic idea that, if the order book is very heavily weighted on one side, the price will tend to move away from it as those who want to buy say will be forced to up their prices. I ve never really used the order book to trade off, but is there a basic idea that, if the order book is very heavily weighted on one side, the price will tend to move away from it as those who want to buy say will be forced to up their prices. And is trading like this what is meant when people refer to scalping and jobbing. And do you just get a computer to tell you when the two sides of the book are out of balance to save you from having to look at the book all day long similar to my other post today trade2win boards tech ing-gr aph html. From what i have gathered in my few months of learning to read level 2 for NASDAQ stocks, my answer would be sort of. Level 2 is full of all sorts of games that Market Makers, Big Players and Algos are playing and it can often be seen that someone, be it man or robot is messing around with the order book You are sort of right in some instances, the bid will outnumber the ask by extreme amounts and then this may help to decide whether the trade should be taken but that snapshot of the orderbook could change without a single trade being made Everyone could pull there orders before they were executed and the price never moves 1c or even goes in the oppostie direction to what you thought it would Someone has faked support or resistance Time and Sales data can help to show if the orders turned into trades or if they were withdrawn. Scalping basically means entering and exiting a trade in very quick succession with a hope to gain small profits but frequently enough to make it pay L2 w ould be a very useful tool to have for this and some use only this Tick Charts are also used for scalping to some extent L2 is also often used for tight entries into longer term day trades or even swing trades so to say it is for scalping is not 100 correct. Don t say just get a computer to do it in a scalpers forum whatever you do The most common way to use L2 is to watch it with your own eyes to see how the orders go through If they get pulled, if they appear on TS and the rate at which it happens and what players are making those moves as some have more clout than others are all important and hard to program into a robot. This needs to be combined with other information based on charts and what the sectors, Futures and Indices are currently doing, as well as pending news and even currency and Oil prices all in real time Because every trade is different and the order book is moving at an extreme pace Most people don t just use a computer to help them They spend the hours in front of th e screen. Hope that helps if you re still interested.--Don t mock stupid dwarves It s not big and it s not clever. Color to use for numbers in RadarScreen cells when gradient coloring is enabled, that is, when both UpColor and DnColor are set to non-negative values. The Triple Exponential Average TRIX indicator is an oscillator used to identify oversold and overbought markets and it can also be used as a momentum indicator As is common with many oscillators, TRIX oscillates around a zero line When used as an oscillator, a positive value indicates an overbought market while a negative value indicates an oversold market As a momentum indicator, a positive value suggests momentum is increasing while a negative value suggests momentum is decreasing Many analysts believe the TRIX crossing above the zero line is a buy signal while closing below the zero line is a sell signal Also, divergences between price and TRIX can indicate significant turning points in the market. TRIX calculates a triple e xponential moving average of the log of the Price input over the period of time specified by the Length input for the current bar The current bar s value is subtracted by the previous bar s value This prevents cycles shorter than the period defined by Length input from being considered by the indicator. Two main advantages of TRIX compared to other trend-following indicators are its excellent filtration of market noise as well as its tendency to be a leading rather than a lagging indicator It filters out market noise using the triple exponential average calculation thus eliminating minor short-term cycles that may otherwise indicate a change in market direction Its ability to lead a market stems from its measurement of the difference between each bar s smoothed version of the price information When interpreted as a leading indicator, TRIX is best used in conjunction with another market timing indicator to minimize the effect of false indications. Amazing Simple Forex Trading Technique. In this page I post the answers to one of the most asked question from my followers. What are the bands in you charts and B how you determine the EXACT time to enter your trades on your System The Omegavus Synergy Zone. Answer Well the Zone is a Proprietary information and formulation, So I hope you understand that, I cant give it away, BUT to help you ease your craving, I will give you one of my SECRETLY GUARDED set ups with one of the indicators I use to CONFIRM my decision, when Entering any trade And Believe me, You will be amaze to the simplicity and yet Powerful effect this will bring to your trading See the Video below for the Detailed explanation. You see my system is based on simplicity, It is HOW I read the charts with this simple indicators and compare them to reach a point of direction and execution More on this inside our members site ForesightFX. Benefits and Risks of Trading Forex. Benefits Associated with Forex Trading. Cash forex trading offers many unique advantages compared to trading other financial instruments.24-Hour Market Action. The forex currency markets are a 24-hour marketplace, starting from 5 p m ET Sunday to 5 p m ET on Friday This gives you the flexibility to trade forex full-time or part-time, whenever your schedule or lifestyle permits. As the largest markets in the world, the cash forex markets offer excellent liquidity at all hours of the trading day, unlike many other 24-hour markets This means you can trade large amounts of volume into and out of the forex markets with minimal market impact. Cash forex trading allows U S participants to leverage up to 50 times their account value on most major forex pairs, while minor pairs offer 20 to 1 margin These leverage amounts may change or may not be available at all times For example, with 50 1 leverage, you may control 100,000 units of the euro quoted at 1 3000, using only 2,600 Remember that while leverage can help build profits quickly, it can also produce large catastrophic losses quickly For international TradeStation clients, leverage amounts of up to 400 1 are available across all currency pairs. In addition to technical trading, the forex markets offer unique opportunities to trade fundamental changes in economies around the world Economic changes and developments that directly affect the currency pairs are tracked through a monthly calendar of events occurring in major countries around the world Most of the fundamental developments in the major economies have sharp impacts on the markets during the release of data and drive longer-term trends Among the economic indicators that affect the markets are GDP, employment rates, and interest rates. Risks Associated with Forex Trading. As with all financial trading instruments, there are risks you must consider before trading cash forex. Leverage is the mechanism by which a trader can control a large market position with a much smaller initial investment For U S clients, this enables you to take positions of up to 50 times greater than the value of the initial investment for major cash forex pairs international clients can take upwards of 400 times the accounts cash value However, professional traders will often recommend that your open forex positions not exceed more than 10 times your total account value at any one time In addition, sound money-management techniques suggest not risking any more than 2-3 percent of your total account value on any one trade. Even when market conditions are relatively calm, leverage can create large gains or losses very quickly This may cause your broker to take action to avoid a negative account balance or to avoid your account exceeding that maximum allowed margin In either case, your broker, without prior notification, may close any or all open positions in the account to remedy the situation. You are responsible for the risks you take and the consequences of those risks, positive and negative, on every trade you make Because of the highly leveraged risk inherent in cash forex, forex trading may not be suitable for all traders. Forex prices are quoted and charted using only the current bid price stream there is no concept of a last price in forex. Since the transactional cost of trading forex is tied to the bid-ask spread, it is important to understand what the normal bid-ask spread is for any pair, and what that spread means in the actual cost per trade The bid-ask spread can also fluctuate throughout the trading day and is often a function of the liquidity of the forex pair you may also see slightly wider bid-ask spreads in quiet market situations, especially on lightly traded forex pairs. As in any trading market, forex prices are driven by short - and long-term supply and demand, which can cause prices to move rapidly and often erratically Traders need to employ sound risk-management techniques on each and every trade Using stop-loss orders can help limit the maximum exposure you will have in any given position. Interest Rate Risk. Traditionally, if a country s interest rates rise, its currency will normally strengthen because investors will shift their assets to that country to gain higher returns Conversely, if a countrys interest rates fall, its currency will normally weaken as investors shift money away looking for higher returns. Consequently, if the interest rate differential of one currency versus another increases or decreases dramatically, the exchange rate and thus forex prices may also dramatically change. News and Economic Risk. In our global economy, news from anywhere in the world can affect the forex markets in many ways These effects can manifest as rapid price movements or changes in trend direction or long-term outlook It is prudent when trading either long term or short term to keep your eye on news and other factors like government reports that can affect your profitability. Governments gather economic activity statistics and release reports almost every day The challenge is figuring out which reports may have an effect on f orex prices Below is a short list of some of the most widely followed reports Remember that not all countries offer every report, and it is a good idea to monitor how certain reports affect forex prices before trying to trade based on news and government reports. Gross Domestic Product GDP The sum of all goods and services produced in a country by both domestic and foreign companies Increasing GDP indicates a growing economy. Industrial Production The change in production or capacity of the nation s factories, mines and utilities Increasing production generally indicates a growing economy. Consumer Price Index CPI A measure of the average price level paid by consumers Increasing CPI may indicate a growing economy Changes in CPI can also affect nominal interest rates. Non-Farm Payrolls The number of new jobs created by the economy during the previous month and the percentage of workers seeking employment who remain unemployed Increasing employment generally indicates a growing economy. Broke rs face operational risk as they transact their daily business activities Some of these risks arise as internal procedures, human resources, organizational structure, technology, etc Although they do not impose a risk to the market system as a whole, they could prevent you from monitoring positions or placing orders Forex traders should always maintain backup procedures in case the Internet or power fails. Jarratt Davis Forex Trader says. Many of you know that I have a unique view on risk management and what I m. going to do in this video is just explain a little bit further how I view. I split risk management into two parts the first part is financial so for. However the second the aspect which is what no-one really talks about and. Let s take for example rock climbing if you have never done rock climbing. before and you venture out to mount a cliff face it s pretty risky, if. however you ve been climbing for thirty years you have all the correct. equipment and you know exactly what you are doing the risk is greatly. reduced in that scenario, it is still risky but the risk is far less. The same applies to trading part of your risk management should be the. increase in your skill and the development of your knowledge, so that the. more you know the more practice you have in the markets and the more skill. you develop the less risky trading becomes. Backtesting trading strategies excel Best Binary Opti ons Brokers 2015 rosescateringservices. Backtesting trading strategies excel best strategies for binary options trading ea. 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Concerned about the negative impact the absence of an active commodity exchange is having on agricultural commodities trading in the country , the Central Bank of Nigeria CBN yesterday asked the federal government to allow it take over the Abuja Securities and Commodities Exchange ASCE to help it deliver on its mandate. CBN governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, who was speaking at the opening of a two-day stakeholders conference on Nigeria s Incentive-based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending NIRSAL in Abuja, said if properly positioned through adequate funding and clarification of its corporate governance policies, the Exchange could provide the platform for trading in agricultural commodities. According to Mr Sanusi, following the dissolution of the country s commodity marketing boards in 1986, commodity merchants had exploited the dearth in the coordination of the small holder farmers produce, thus creating a disconnection between primary producers, processors and marketers operating in silos. He said the break in the commodity value chain among these stakeholders has to be bridged through the establishment of vibrant an d viral producers, processors and marketers commodity associations along each value chain, to boost their incomes. Though Mr Sanusi identified agriculture as the most potent sector with the capacity to help realise Nigeria s aspiration to emerge as one of the world s economic giants, he noted that developing farming from the current level of subsistence has remained a challenge that requires a holistic approach to redress. Agriculture, he pointed out, has suffered from gross under-funding over the years, with less than four percent of the federal budget allocated to the sector since 2006, contrary to the 2003 African Union AU Maputo Declaration that requires member countries to raise investments in agriculture to at least 10 percent of national budget by 2008.Similarly, the governor said private sector investment in the development of the country s agricultural value chain has remained at the lowest level owing to perceived risks, distortions and uncertainties, adding that though agricul ture accounts for about 40 percent of the gross domestic product GDP , lending to the sector hardly rises above 1 4 percent of total banks lending capacity. Other challenges identified include serious fragmentation in the input segment of the sector as a result of poor coordination at state and national level, pointing out that on the average, farmers in sub-Saharan Africa use between 10 and 15 kilogrammes of fertiliser per hectare of arable land compared to only 15 percent of the 144 kg per hectare used by their counterparts in Asia. Absence of extension workers. Besides, he also identified absence of extension services, ineffective research and development, declining productivity as well as weak backward and forward linkages between agriculture and other sectors as reasons for Nigeria s poor crop yield being rated among the lowest in the world, with average maize yield put at about 1 4 tons per hectare as against 10 tons per hectare in Asia, America and Europe. Bemoaning the impact of th ese challenges on the growth of agriculture in the country, Mr Sanusi said from her pole position occupies in the 1960s in the exportation of key crops, namely cocoa, groundnut, cotton, rubber and palm produce, Nigeria s records in the decade have declined for over 60 percent in global palm oil exports, 30 percent in groundnut and 15 percent in cocoa. Today, the reverse is the case, as Nigeria s agricultural import bill stands at N630billion annually, with large food products imports including wheat N165billion , fish N105billion , rice 75billion and sugar N60billion , he said. While calling for a reversal of the trend, Mr Sanusi noted that in the last five decades, agricultural financing has not got the desired result due to lack of farm expansion. lack of assured markets and forward linkages from primary production to processing. With a projection that the country s agricultural sector can grow by 160 percent from its current output value of N15 25trillion to 39 4trillion by 2030 He expressed optimism that the NIRSAL initiative, which is designed to de-risk the financing value chain, would help address the gaps in the agricultural and financial sectors, by helping build long-term capacities as well as institutionalise lending incentives. Under the initiative, N46 5million has been set aside under the risk sharing facility RSF to suppo rt deployment of different instruments to help reduce risk in agricultural lending N4 65billion for insurance facility N9 3billion for technical assistance N1 55billion for agricultural bank rating system and N15 5billion to build long terms capacities for lending to agriculture. Sanusi, very soon you will apply to become the president of Nigeria What have you achieved being the CBN Governor so far.
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